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Urban Fantasy

Discussion in 'Tea Room (Book Chat)' started by Demi, 17 Jul 2017.

  1. Demi

    Demi Member

    I have always loved books with non humans, however I did step away from them for a while. However, a couple off years ago I ran across urban fantasy and now it's one of my favorite genres. What do you think of the genre?
  2. jessica

    jessica Active Member

    I like romance and that overlaps with it all the time:D:D! Some of the pairings are rather squicky. Can't a vampire find a woman his own age and not a teenagero_O?
    Books Bits 'n Bobs likes this.
  3. Demi

    Demi Member

    I agree. The main reason that I read urban fantasy is for the romance and the supernatural pairings. I'll admit I am a sucker for the old vampire falling for a younger person.
    Books Bits 'n Bobs likes this.
  4. I see I found my people - I'm a fan of the gay supernatural pairings. Werewolves are my favorite so far. Indie authors do a better job in this field. They don't give you some contrived storyline that gets repeated like a formula in every book they create.
  5. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    ...backs slowly out of the thread...
  6. Julia

    Julia Member

    This is not a genre that I read until a friend recommended that I read Blood Lines. I could not put it down and was amazed that I actually liked it. Now I'm on the third book of the series and can't wait to find more books like it to read. It was wonderful being swept up in a fantasy.
  7. Angel

    Angel Munificent Critic

    I remember when Urban Fantasy meant more than just supernatural romance. There were several good action adventure stories although they all seemed to he based on roleplay games.
  8. Jordan

    Jordan Active Member

    I've read some urban fantasy, and it can get quite interesting. Of course, from what you all describe it sounds like the series I read was tame. It was the Riley Jensen, Guardian series, which is set in Austrailia. The woman spends most of the book series naked since turning into her wolf form just happens to shred her clothes.

    Does anyone have any titles or authors they'd recommend in the area of urban fantasy?
  9. Ellie Jane

    Ellie Jane Member

    Angel, do you mean that role-playing games take place in many urban fantasy books or that the urban fantasy theme appears to be inspired by role-playing games? If it's the latter, I'd love a recommendation.

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