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ARCHIVE What's your e-reader?

Discussion in 'Tea Room (Book Chat)' started by MellyCross (On Hiatus), 20 Feb 2015.

  1. To break the ice, why not discuss e-readers? What are your favourites, and what do you read on?

    Nowadays I use a kindle app on my phone, but I liked the e-ink screens because they were easy on the eyes.
  2. C.Price

    C.Price New Member

    A heavily-modded kobo (it runs linux with calibre on it).
  3. Reader

    Reader Vile Critic

    Either Kindle Cloud Reader or Kindle for PC on my laptop. It is useful to be able to keep review notes in Wordpad as I read.
  4. porridge

    porridge Member

    Kindle Fire, when I'm not watching TV on it.
  5. jessica

    jessica Active Member


    I have a Bog-standard normal Kindle, but I prefer my Nook.
  6. C.Price

    C.Price New Member

    Another Calibre user then?
  7. Angel

    Angel Munificent Critic

    I have been in possession of a Kindle Reader for some years and it works just fine.

    I do also have a Kobo, but I've never actually come around to using it.
  8. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    *looks at user name* Duh, a Kindle
  9. atry

    atry Member

    Yeah, but what type. It matters because not all kindles run the same books like we found before christmas.

    I've got a Kindle Keyboard.
  10. Tregaron

    Tregaron Member


    And I'm sure I remember this thread being longer.
  11. Terry

    Terry Member

    Probably was, but I don't think it's changed that much since then. There only tend to be new versions of them coming out, nothing really that new and exciting.

    I tend to use the Cloud reader nowadays, I've given up on the hassle of downloading all the time - just leave it in the cloud.
  12. porridge

    porridge Member

    A replacement Kindle Fire now. Cos the labrador sat on it.
  13. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    Kindle for PC, after all I live in front of one.

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