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Other Book Blogs

Discussion in 'Tea Room (Book Chat)' started by Bookangel, 2 Dec 2015.

  1. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    Cribbed from the old "Where do you get your reviews" & "bookbloggers" thread by jessica. Now moved to own thread as an Author Resource:

    This is depressing. You see I went through the list of Britlitblogs, and found that 14 of them no longer exist, or haven't been updated in over a year. Several had been picked up by larger groups, one memorably linked to Kobo's homepage, and others simply didn't review any more.

    Then I tried the list at beck valley books and the situation wasn't much better. Here's the list.

    closed or not book blogging
    www.fairytalesandfolklore.co.uk - down
    http://www.clairejustineoxox.com/ - now a lifestyle blog
    http://www.getoutwiththekids.co.uk/ - now adventure tours
    http://whnbstihwsoft.blogspot.co.uk/ - no content
    http://dizzycslittlebookblog.blogspot.co.uk/ - removed
    http://asummerfullofpeaches.com/ - now a lifestyle blog
    http://www.thesoupprince.blogspot.co.uk/ -not found
    https://www.nosegraze.com/ - book plugins but no reviews
    http://www.hazelnutt.com/ - white page of death
    http://bookcrazyreviews.com/ -server timeout
    http://www.rainydayreads.com/ - sedo parked
    http://suzannekorb.blogspot.co.uk/ - four posts on SEO
    http://suzannekorbwriter.blogspot.co.uk/ - blog removed
    http://fictionfascination.blogspot.com/ - blog blocked by google
    http://escapismfromreality.blogspot.co.uk/ - last update 2012
    realmoffiction.blogspot.com - removed by google.
    http://carlydawson.blogspot.co.uk/ - 2014
    http://readwriteandreadsomemore.blogspot.co.uk/ - 2014
    http://tarastreatsreviews.blogspot.co.uk/?m=0 - samples and beuty products
    http://www.superlucky.co.uk/ -competitions not reviews
    http://www.sciencesosexy.com/ - no reviews policy or book reviews.
    http://grippedintobooks.blogspot.co.uk/ - closed 2015
    http://www.lifeinabreakdown.com/ - lifestyle blog
    http://uncovertheuntold.com/ - lifestyle blog
    http://plutoniumsox.com/ - lifestyle blog
    bookloopy.co.uk -dead domain
    http://www.annieemac.co.uk/ - lifestyle blog
    http://mebookshelfandi.co.uk/ 403 error
    http://umeandthekids.com/ -lifestyle
    http://www.lifeasapetite.blogspot.co.uk/ -lifestyle
    http://stressedrach.co.uk/ -lifestyle

    old /on hiatus
    http://learningtoreadten.blogspot.co.uk/ - last updated 2011
    http://www.bookreviewsandvideos.com/ - 2013
    http://www.ukqualityreads.com/ - last post 2014
    https://lucybirdbooks.wordpress.com/ -on hiatus 2015
    http://www.thesweetbookshelf.com/ - last post 2014
    http://www.rai29bookreadnreview.blogspot.co.uk/ - last post 2014
    http://weaklingno14.blogspot.co.uk/ last post 2014
    http://tomesofthesoul.blogspot.co.uk/ -last post may 2015
    http://thelittlereaderlibrary.blogspot.co.uk/ - last post jul 2015
    http://readingaftersunset.blogspot.co.uk/ -2013
    http://digestingthewords.com/ -2014

    http://www.booksforcompany.com/ search/label/Review
    http://anglersrest.blogspot.co.uk/ - also posts to Amazon

    http://www.cheezyfeetbooks.blogspot.co.uk/ - closed to review

    http://www.flutteringbutterflies.com/ - does not take indies
    http://readaraptor.co.uk/review-policycontact/ - does not take indies
    http://www.littlebirdiebooks.uk/p/review-policy.html -does not take indies

    http://rookieromance.blogspot.co.uk/ - romance/erotica only
    http://nightstandnovels.com/ -erotica only.

    http://jacintaz3.blogspot.co.uk/ - one post no book reviews

    http://www.topbookreviewers.com/ - paid

    Please add other review sites/experience with them below:
    Last edited: 27 Dec 2015
  2. Tregaron

    Tregaron Member

    Do thebookbag really charge for reviews?
  3. jessica

    jessica Active Member

    I think so, but they say they only charge self-published books.
  4. RA Books

    RA Books Our lovely IT Gurus

    We can confirm that Bookbag charge for reviews. One of our authors contacted them for a review a couple of years ago and received a list of prices, ending with the following:
    As a publisher, we were actually rather offended.
  5. Tregaron

    Tregaron Member

    Isn't that against FDA? Payment for reviews has to be disclosed.
  6. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    If you mean the US rules, thebookbag are a British site.
  7. skye

    skye Member

    bookblogs.ning.com is pretty good!
    Bookangel likes this.
  8. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    Just to update, Bookblogs.ning is moving to thenovelist.net
  9. djbook

    djbook Member

    One of my favorites is www.thecreativepenn.com
    It was the first resource I ran into about 3-4 years ago via a podcast. I don't use it much now, but it has a long list of websites and other useful resources on it. Plus, she keeps interviewing Indie authors, and those guys keep sharing their tips and tricks, which are always helpful.

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