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Discussion in 'Tea Room (Book Chat)' started by atry, 14 Jan 2016.

  1. RA Books

    RA Books Our lovely IT Gurus

    A quick suggestion from Bards and Sages - feature authors/publishers news releases instead of the site's reviews. Have an Indie news page and link to that.

    I'll leave it with you.

    ETA: Saw our new title. Ha. Ha. Slow Clap.
  2. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    We hoped you would like it :) So the agenda for next week's chat is book, books books, tea, news, books, books.
  3. skye

    skye Member

    Could you give authors the ability to pay for expanded distribution on their listing once they've submitted it? Then whatever happens you send the listing out through the smaller network you mentioned, and if the book gets a good review you send that out through Outbrain. That way the good books get the most promotion, and authors still don't have a say in the review so they are unbiased?

    Could we use a test book to see how well this works for authors?
  4. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    That's a good idea, although we'd need access to the KDP sales figures to know if it worked.

    We do have a very good review of a book from a few years back that we pulled down due to potential perception of conflict of interest, once the publisher (you can guess who) became involved with the site. I'll drop them a note.
  5. Tregaron

    Tregaron Member

    I know the book, and I know the review, and remember the discussion over whether to remove something written before people became involved with the site. If restored, the publication date should answer any issues of bias.

    You could also try Straw Hat. They've put their books up several times.
  6. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    We're back on there, for a little while.

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