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Beginning to Publish

Discussion in 'Writer's Lounge' started by Donna, October 6, 2017.

  1. Donna

    Donna Member

    Have you thought about publishing the things you write? I'm afraid I would not know where to begin. Do any of you have experience you would like to share?
  2. natalie

    natalie Member

    I've dreamed about it before; I just don't have something I feel confident enough about to really try and get it published. Are you talking about self-publishing?
  3. Tregaron

    Tregaron Member

    You may find more help asking on the Writer's Room board where there are a lot of writers who have been in your position. Smashwords, Amazon Kindle, or Kobo are common for the self-publishers, but many writers get their start writing for newspapers or online sites.
    Ellie Jane likes this.
  4. Jordan

    Jordan Active Member

    If you're talking about self-publishing, Tregaron has it right.

    If you're looking to share your work somewhere and maybe get some feedback, there's Wattpad. I don't post anything myself, but a friend of mine loves sharing her work there.
  5. Terry

    Terry Member

    The alternative is to try and send in a manuscript to the hundreds of literary agents in the hope that one of them will read it and enjoy it out of the several thousand they read that week.

    Self publishing is a little easier to do and only requires a little bit of skill to set up and plenty of places can format an ebook for you if you want.

    Just mind out for vanity publishers...

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