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Discussion in 'The Dive' started by Bookangel, December 29, 2015.

  1. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    Following on from the thread which we haven't moved yet, we have another problem. The processor we were hoping to use to manage EU VAT for us may not be compliant. We're fortunate: the only EU order we had, the customer never paid for so it was cancelled. Several other businesses apparently weren't.

    We're looking into details now (See here) and trying to find an alternative for pending EU customers.

    (You may end up being asked to buy an ebook through Smashwords if RA don't mind.)
  2. porridge

    porridge Member

    Didn't vote for them, but you do kind of think the Tories would be good with business. Last year it was EU VAT, this year it's quarterly VAT returns like small business doesn't have enough to do, and now they're taxing dividends on small firm owners as income. Osborne's not cutting red tape, he's strangling 'em with it.
  3. Angel

    Angel Munificent Critic

    Oh dear, I hope it isn't going to be too much bother. That all sounds rather ridiculous
  4. Reader

    Reader Vile Critic

    I hate to agree with our Scottish contingent, but unfortunately I completely agree with our Scottish contingent. Bureaucracy seems to be going mad at the moment.
  5. C.Price

    C.Price New Member

    My views on EU Vat are well known (part one and 2). The belief I should work all hours to pay over 80% of my income to various governments is a joke but the EU made it real, so it makes selling my own work impossible. I haven't found a solution. If you do, please let me know.
  6. skye

    skye Member

    I didn't know it had hit authors that hard. :(
  7. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    It isn't just authors. It has hit clubs, non-profits, charities and more. You can't put a Paypal tip jar up without being hit if someone from the EU pays into it, so a lot of US residents got round it by blocking EU purchases - including those from UK. It's why we couldn't use our original cheaper mail system while similar US sites still can. We're in the UK so whether we can geoblock the rest of the EU is a grey area - an admin cost greater than the site's annual running cost payable every quarter aside even if there's no tax liable might count as sufficiently onerous.
  8. Tregaron

    Tregaron Member

    This all sounds like a bloody nuisance.
  9. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

  10. Tregaron

    Tregaron Member

    It seems to be quarterly tax returns, not VAT returns.
  11. porridge

    porridge Member

    Jesus H Christ, are they just trying to kill small business or what? Don't tell me we're expected to pay taxes quarterly too.
  12. Angel

    Angel Munificent Critic

    That sounds like making a lot of working for no little gain.

    How on earth is getting everyone to pay their taxes quarterly instead of annualy going to help in any way other than make more work for accountants and tax officers.
  13. porridge

    porridge Member

    'cos according to their 'message' they are moving it all to the Cloud so you can use an app to submit it. You know, the cloud that can't keep your holiday picks safe. Guess it doesn't matter if you trust Google or Amazon with your bank details, the govt. will be handing them over anyway.
  14. jessica

    jessica Active Member

    How are the Brethren or Amish going to submit it then? Their religion forbids using technology.
  15. Angel

    Angel Munificent Critic

    They have enough trouble calculating it annually, let alone quarterly even with so much of it pushed onto the taxpayer.

    I guess the people orchestrating this scheme either don't calculate their own tax, or have rich accountants to do it for them.
  16. tirial

    tirial Member

    I just got the answer from HMRC. They are expected to phone it in. *headdesk*
  17. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    No, really? Some would say that HMRC have been phoning it for ages.
  18. jessica

    jessica Active Member

    My head hurts too.
  19. Tregaron

    Tregaron Member

    It doesn't matter who you vote for, does it? The civil servants make the decisions anyway.

    I'm sorry, I've had a bad day and I am cynical at the moment.
  20. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

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