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News Missing Books (Solved)

Discussion in 'Site News' started by CatInASuit, March 5, 2017.

  1. CatInASuit

    CatInASuit Administrator Staff Member

    Typical - it had to happen on World Book Day of all days.

    I apologise for those who noticed a sudden absence of books being free or bargain today, we had an update go slightly awry.

    The process to handle books at the end of their listed run was being activated at the start of the run instead, so most things were being moved to long term free/bargain.

    It was fixed and the books moved back into their proper place, followed by resending our newsletter out again with the right books in it, instead of no books.

    Apologies once again.
  2. tirial

    tirial Member

    The second part of this problem manifested itself as several of the reviews have lost their discussion threads, lost links to their discussion threads, and some of our early books have lost their bookpages. We're working on restoring them now.
  3. jessica

    jessica Active Member

    The comments have all gone :( Some of mine are saved, so I reposted them. That okay?
  4. tirial

    tirial Member

    Yes please. If anyone else can remember what they posted, or wants to add new posts, please feel free.

    We're only going to get them back in batches of 20 so it will take a while as there are nearly 200 threads gone.
  5. jessica

    jessica Active Member

    Okay, I'm adding some of mine back. This is going to pad my post count :D!
  6. Tregaron

    Tregaron Member

    So that is what happened. I will add the comments I can remember, but unfortunately bad books tend to remain in my memory longer.
  7. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    I wondered why I got a blank email followed by another with everything in.

    No reviews comments, but it'll be fun to see how the reviews have changed over time.

    I take it Reader's positive romance reviews will remain lost to time:silent:
  8. Terry

    Terry Member

    It was only ever going to happen on a day that mattered...Murphy's Law.
  9. Reader

    Reader Vile Critic

    And so they should. For ever and ever and ever.

    (Apart from the Piano Girl because that was actually good.)
  10. Tregaron

    Tregaron Member

    What happened to the Looking through Lace thread, as I can see it and the comments but they are not on the review pages?

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