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RIP Alan Rickman

Discussion in 'Life in General' started by Terry, January 14, 2016.

  1. Terry

    Terry Member

    Aw flip, Alan Rickman, the guy who gave Hollywood the current archetypal "English Bad Guy" has passed away from cancer aged 69. And so soon after Bowie as well.

    A star of the stage and especially the screen, he also deserves special mention for making Snape a sympathetic bad guy and getting Rowling to change her mind on a pivotal character.

    Another one who will be really missed.
  2. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    I only just heard. I can't believe it.
  3. jessica

    jessica Active Member

    So soon after David Bowie? It is such a shock.

    Thoughts and good wishes to his family.
  4. CatInASuit

    CatInASuit Administrator Staff Member

    This one hits more than the news of Bowie did.

    I grew up on films with him in and he never gave a bad performance.

    A real loss to screen and stage.
  5. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    GalaxyQuest and Labyrinth showing tonight instead of books. We weren't in the mood for reading. Sorry.
  6. atry

    atry Member

    That came out of nowhere. Lemmy, Bowie, and now Rickman?

    I feel like my childhood just died.
  7. Reader

    Reader Vile Critic

    That was an unpleasant shock.

    RIP, a great talent.
  8. Tregaron

    Tregaron Member

    That is very sad news indeed.
  9. Terry

    Terry Member

    Incredible thing is that no-one has a bad thing to say about him. Everyone has been pretty universal in saying what an all-round superb guy he was, not even a hint of anything bad at all.

    You just don't get 'em like that any more.

    That voice is going to be missed.
  10. porridge

    porridge Member

    That actor is gonna be missed. He was way too young.
  11. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    Man could turn his hand to any role and was fantastic in everything.

    Easily the only good thing in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves and its not hard to wonder if the rumour of so much more of his acting was on the cutting room floor is true because otherwise the film would have to have been called.

    Sheriff of Nottingham: More awesome than you.

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