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RIP Terry Wogan

Discussion in 'The Dive' started by Terry, January 31, 2016.

  1. Terry

    Terry Member

    Flippin' eck - 2016 is turning into a bloodbath of people of people I didn't want to see gone for ages.

    The legend that was Terry Wogan has passed away.

    If there was anyone who made presenting look the easiest thing it the world it was him.

    My thoughts go out to his family.
  2. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    2016 - the year that just keeps on taking.

    R.I.P Wogan.
  3. porridge

    porridge Member

    Well bugger...there's an end to a great presenter of many fine hours in front of the box.

    May he rest in peace.
  4. jessica

    jessica Active Member

    Is it bad my first thought was not another one?:((

    RIP. Eurovision and Children in Need just won't be the same.
  5. tirial

    tirial Member

    I grew up watching him, but I think half the country could say the same. And newsthump seem to have nailed it: Terry Wogan to interview Bowie, Lemmy and Alan Rickman

    He's going to be missed.

    (It is oddly ironic that the memorial post for Terry Wogan, a man whose last words to his friend, a priest trying to comfort him, were "Everything's going to be alright" is in the Dive while the one for David Bowie, who courted controversy his whole life, is under Everything Else.)
  6. Terry

    Terry Member

    I think it's because while Bowie had a large impact on some sections of culture, he was in and out of the public eye over several years.

    Wogan was a mainstay, there for last 40-50 years in the public eye in one part or another. Definitely a stronger depth of feeling for him.
  7. atry

    atry Member

    I'm getting tired of turning on the news only to see someone else has died. Thoughts to their families, but 2016 is not a good year.

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