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Review The Knowing

Discussion in 'Reviews' started by Bookangel, November 14, 2017.

  1. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    The Knowing

    This will probably appeal to YA paranormal readers more than horror as, despite the promising start, there's little here to provoke a truly visceral reaction.

    Continue reading...
    Last edited by a moderator: November 14, 2017
  2. natalie

    natalie Member

    Ha, I would be curious to see how her Majesty the Queen feels about that as well! Although I must admit that does sound intriguing - perhaps the most intriguing thing about this book. It's a shame that all of the antagonistic devices were isolated events; I usually find these books to be too scattered for my tastes.
  3. Belle

    Belle Member

    It doesn't sound like this is going to be a truly great read, but I absolutely love anything to do with the paranormal and I'm willing to sit through this. I'll be back to let you know what I think after I've read it.

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