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UK General Election

Discussion in 'Life in General' started by Kindler, April 18, 2017.

  1. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    Ok - so its Easter over and back to work and the humdrum life ....

    ...and someone calls a snap General Election for June 8th.

    As if Brexit wasn't complicated enough, we know have this to deal with as well. The Tories are miles ahead in the Polls ahead of Labour. Lib Dems and so on.

    This is going to be like the referendum all over again, only with more politics thrown into the mix. At least this is only going to last under two months at which point the Tories will probably get on with leading the country to different pastures.
  2. jessica

    jessica Active Member

    What, again?!?!? :confused:We had the referendum in 2016, general election 2015, scottish ref 2014, european elections 2014, local government 2014... Just take some responsibility already! :rolleyes::rolleyes:
  3. tirial

    tirial Member

    I like the one from twitter...
  4. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    I don't get it. She calls a general election , makes some very un-tory like promises and her popularity goes up.

    Is Corbyn really that bad of an opponent that nearly half the country want her as PM. Actually, I would be highly amused if she hit 50% and showed that Tony B-Liar was wasn't the greatest thing since slice bread.
  5. HattieMoon

    HattieMoon Member

    It will be interesting to see if all those Brexit election 'first time ever in my life' voters bother to turn out for this one.

    We also have a local election coming up for a new position as county mayor or some such.
  6. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    Well if all those 48% Remoaners want to come out and vote for the Lib Dems and Labour to show they don't want Brexit, then now is their chance.

    Whether they like it or not, this may (pun intended) be as well be the EU Referendum Mk.2
  7. Terry

    Terry Member

    TFI only 6 weeks long, I don't think I could stand anything longer.

    With the French one going on, a bunch of council elections today, the question of whether the EU is interfering or not, it's all pretty miserable.

    Just expecting a large Tory majority at the end of the day.
  8. jessica

    jessica Active Member

    Election fatigue is definitely a thing round here:D. I got to hear two loud Scottish ladies behind me on the bus. They'd like to vote for a certain person, but not if it means having to put up with another referendum:rolleyes:. @porridge is this election promise more as a threat:D:D:D?
  9. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    And we now have the Manifesto's coming out.

    Tories: Trust us, don't look in the book, we'll treat you right, just don't fall ill, get out of work etc. etc.
    Labour: Tax and Spend, Tax and Spend, Tax and Spend.
    Lib Dems: Europe and more Europe
    Scot Nats: We want ooouuurrrr Freeeeeeedooooommmmm!!!
    Plaid Cyrmu: Wales for the Welsh people, paid for by the English.

    Heaven help us all.
  10. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    And given everything, the electioneering has been put on hold, which is the right thing to do.

    Which makes me wonder why some people are using the Manchester attack for political gain?
  11. Terry

    Terry Member

    Because they are a bunch of expletive deleted.

    Looks like everything is about to start up again anyway, I just hope they can play nicely with each other.
  12. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    We need popcorn for this one.

    Looks like the polls are getting nice and close and before we know it, we'll get the same parliament as before.
  13. Tregaron

    Tregaron Member

    Voting is my civic duty and an awesome responsibility that people have died to give me. This is the only reason I am not locking myself in the house until it is all over.

    I can use a water pistol to train my cat not to walk on the flowerbeds. I wish the same approach would work on canvassers.
  14. porridge

    porridge Member

    For f's sake, don't postpone it. I can't take this crap again in another six months. Get it over with.
  15. tirial

    tirial Member

    I'm not sure I want a government with an overwhelming majority. I'd rather have one with a decent majority, but one that could be beaten by backbench revolt if they propose something that makes people go "Oh hell no". Politicians without accountability and unrestrained worry me.
  16. jessica

    jessica Active Member

    I just want to get through the day without more people dead:(. After today we'll have a government in a state to respond, but while the election's running?
  17. tirial

    tirial Member

    I've voted. Then I stood in the ballot booth for five minutes wondering whether to spoil my ballot. There have been elections before which have been hard choices, but this has to be the first where I've left the polling station feeling soiled by taking part.
  18. Tregaron

    Tregaron Member

    I voted. I almost feel that I wish I had not.
  19. tirial

    tirial Member

    I saw the results. I can't help laughing. So May called an election, and then squandered a forty point plus approval and a majority government in just six weeks, perhaps due to the single worst campaign I have ever seen. Seriously, a campaign should not be focused on "don't vote for the other guy". There are many, many, parties, tell me why I should vote for yours.
  20. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    And it keeps going on:

    Minority government or run with the DUP, the Lib Dem leader now standing down and Corbyn now being the best thing since sliced bread.

    Have I woken up in an alternative dimension or something...

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