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User Banned: Belle

Discussion in 'Site News' started by Bookangel, February 14, 2018.

  1. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    At the end of January we announced we were clamping down on Big Six discussions, after a number of threads about Big-Sixers were started. They were already discouraged in the T&Cs, but after this thread "What's happened to the boards" it was confirmed we were enforcing them.

    After having a thread removed (about Nicholas Sparks), multiple posts deleted, and multiple warning points, we have now banned this user.

    Please, once again, take discussions of mainstream authors to Goodreads or Amazon.
  2. jessica

    jessica Active Member

    Yipe :eek: ! You weren't kidding about this were you:oops:?
  3. Jackie

    Jackie New Member

    I'm sorry if this is a silly question, but I've looked around everywhere I could think of and haven't found the answer . . . so, here it goes: What/who are the Big Six? Is this just a term for mainstream authors?
  4. Angel

    Angel Munificent Critic

    The Big Six Publishers are the major book publishers in the world. They have by far the biggest advertising and marketing reach that Indie authors are not able to get.

    They are responsible for multiple imprints, so it is not often obvious but the authors receive a lot more in terms of editing and promotion, usually done for them.

    The group is Macmillan, Hachette, Harper Collins, Penguin, Random House and Simon & Schuster.

    It is now a Big 5 due to the merger of Random House and Penguin or as it has been dubbed: Random Penguin :)
    C. Lee McKenzie and Jackie like this.
  5. jessica

    jessica Active Member

    I'll be serious for once. Big six authors get a lot of advantages, even if their books aren't that good. Indie authors have to o it all themselves. PR time isn't writing time. If you saw them get a newspaper review, they probably aren't indies.
    Jackie likes this.
  6. Jackie

    Jackie New Member

    Thank you for clearing that up for me! For some reason, I wasn't thinking about publishers, but authors. That makes a lot more sense. It's sad that indie authors don't get even close to the same coverage as those guys. I'm glad this site is spreading the love and attention out to them! Thanks again, guys.
  7. jessica

    jessica Active Member

    (Can I have a Random Penguin smiley? Pls2hv?:D::rofl::)
  8. Give me a Ra
    Random Penguin any day and I'll be happy. Thanks for the laugh.

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