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Act of Will

Discussion in 'Tea Room (Book Chat)' started by Donna, 7 Jan 2018.

  1. Donna

    Donna Member

    Have any of you read Act of Will by Barbara Taylor Bradford? I just finished it and enjoyed it very much. It's an older piece of fiction copyrighted in 1986. It takes place in England and follows the lives of 3 generations of women who shape their own destiny. It's a good read!
  2. Jordan

    Jordan Active Member

    I think I read some of her stuff a while back when I was in high school. My mom gave me free reign to read her paperbacks since I went through my library books so fast. I don't remember that one, but it sounds like something I'd enjoy. Thanks for the rec.
  3. natalie

    natalie Member

    I haven't read - or even heard of - this one before. I'm definitely putting it on my list though because I love multi-generational stories. It looks like it has some good reviews and even had its own miniseries. Have you watched it?
  4. Belle

    Belle Member

    You had me at 'Women shaping their own destiny'. I wouldn't miss this one for the world. I'm going to look for it and read it first chance I get. Thanks for sharing that.
  5. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    Locked. This is nothing to do with Indie authors.

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