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Beta Reading

Discussion in 'Tea Room (Book Chat)' started by natalie, 8 Jan 2018.

  1. natalie

    natalie Member

    I was thinking beta reading would be a cool thing to get into doing because I love giving feedback on books and would love to have the opportunity to help someone get their first book published. I just don't really know how one goes about offering those kinds of services. Have any of you done it before?
    Ellie Jane likes this.
  2. Ellie Jane

    Ellie Jane Member

    Have you looked at NetGalley? It works on a variety of devices. I haven't tried NetGalley myself, but it's pretty popular and they usually have a decent amount of books to read and review.
  3. natalie

    natalie Member

    I hadn't looked there but I just checked it out. I don't know if it's something I can sign up for since it says I need to be a "professional reader" with influence (professional reviewer, blogger, journalist, etc.). Unfortunately, I'm none of those things (yet). I'm not sure if it's really what I'm looking for either since it sounds like it's just about reviewing advanced copies of books. I'm talking more about reading books that aren't already in the advanced reading copy stage, but more like an author wanting someone to read the book and give them detailed feedback about the plot, writing, whatever so that they can change things in the book if they need to. Does that make sense? I don't know how prevalent it is these days with how easily self-publishing can be done via Amazon. Thanks for the help though! I'll be back to that site if I ever become a professional reader of influence.
    Ellie Jane likes this.
  4. You might look into starting a small critique group, Natalie. I've had two very successful experiences giving and getting feedback via an online group. The key is to find a fit, of course.
    Ellie Jane likes this.
  5. Ellie Jane

    Ellie Jane Member

    Sorry about that, Natalie. I thought ARC/Beta were one in the same. I understand what you mean now and will let you know if I hear of anything.
  6. Jordan

    Jordan Active Member

    Natalie, you could also look into joining writing groups on Facebook. I've occasionally seen calls for beta readers in the ones I follow. There are also online writing communities you could join, though unfortunately, none come to mind at the moment.
  7. Ellie Jane

    Ellie Jane Member

    I'm back with another suggestion. You could advertise your services on Upwork and Fivver. Once you have an author you enjoy working with you could go off the platform.
  8. natalie

    natalie Member

    No need to apologize, Ellie Jane! I wasn't very clear. That's a good idea about Upwork and Fiverr. I'll have to look into those. Jordan, that's a good idea as well. I'll have to check that out. Thanks, you two!
  9. Donna

    Donna Member

    What a great idea. I didn't know there were such services out there. I would love to have someone critique my work. I have tried to get several stories published in magazines before but with no luck. They didn't comment, just sent them back. Thanks for the heads up.
  10. Jordan

    Jordan Active Member

    That sounds frustrating, Donna. I know they get a fair number of submissions, but some sort of feedback seems like it'd just be polite. Then again, that may be my old school thinking.
  11. Belle

    Belle Member

    Sometimes when these magazines get too many submissions it could be hard to get back to everyone. They would have to pay someone to do that and I guess for them it's just not worth it.
  12. natalie

    natalie Member

    Donna, I'd be happy to look over anything you've written if you ever want someone to critique your work. I agree, it's a bummer that they didn't get back to you, but like Belle said, this could be difficult if there were a lot of submissions. Did they at least give you some kind of general note or just nada?

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