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Bond, James Bond

Discussion in 'Tea Room (Book Chat)' started by Donna, 25 Oct 2017.

  1. Donna

    Donna Member

    Are there any other 007 fans out there? I love Ian Fleming's 007 novels. They are so action packed and almost surreal. Then there is Chitty, Chitty Bang, Bang for kids. He was very diversified.
  2. Anna

    Anna Member

    I love Bond. I haven't read enough of the books (which is awful). I've only read On Her Majesty's Secret Service. I had no idea Fleming wrote Chitty Chitty Bang Bang! That is some serious diversity.
    Donna likes this.
  3. Donna

    Donna Member

    I know Anna. I was surprised at that myself. It is a very popular book among the children I taught. Now I must admit I also enjoy watching the movies made from the "Bond" books. I do believe Sean Connery is my favorite Bond. Which one is yours?
  4. Terry

    Terry Member

    I've read a couple of the novels, but they are very different to the Bond movies that come out. Nowadays it's like there are two separate characters called James Bond.

    IMHO The only Bond actor who came close to the novels was Timothy Dalton.
  5. Donna

    Donna Member

    I think Pierce Brosnan also came close. Bond has a cruel side to him that just wasn't portrayed by Roger Moore. Timothy Dalton did a good job also. Daniel Craig looks the part but I must admit I have not seen one of his movies yet.
  6. tirial

    tirial Member

    I loved the original Ian Fleming novels as a teenager, although there's a lot more adult content than the films contain. I'm not such a fan of the later novels, written by hired authors as film tie-ins. They didn't have the realism of the earlier books.

    I gave up on the films when they showed MI6 as being too stupid to use airgapping, VPN access, firewalls, or any basic computer protection at all. Daniel Craig's Bond seems rather useless and a bit soft compared to some of the earlier ones.
  7. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    Look - just because new Q is a complete and total muppet in Skyfall and it takes a Deus Ex Machina of stupid proportions to free the bad guy is no reason to give up on such a good character.
    natalie likes this.
  8. jessica

    jessica Active Member

    Not even 'cos Moneypenny goes from being a great secretary and running the place to a failed sniper who can't shoot straight:p?
  9. Terry

    Terry Member

    Didn't they already do that one with a Russian Cello player? ;)

    Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang, also has one of the scariest villans in the Child Catcher and the film also contains Dick Van Dyke with a non terrible accent.
  10. porridge

    porridge Member

  11. natalie

    natalie Member

    I don't know if I agree with that. I think he has done a good job with showing that sort of unstable, ruthless side of Bond that is present in the books but hasn't always translated to the movies. Sean Connery was better, but I think as far as that aspect of Bond goes, Craig has done the next best job with it. That being said, I'm partial to Brosnan because that's who I knew growing up. (Plus, he's gorgeous.)
  12. Jordan

    Jordan Active Member

    My brother read a couple of the books, but I don't remember him saying much about them. It was a long time before I even realized they were books first.

    Natalie, I also grew up with Brosnan as Bond, but those don't hold up anymore. GoldenEye was available through streaming, and when I tried to watch it, I couldn't stop laughing.
  13. Donna

    Donna Member

    Roger Moore was the laughable one Jordan. I could put on one of his Bond movies and it wouldn't even hold my attention. Sean Connery will always be my favorite Bond.
  14. Jordan

    Jordan Active Member

    I don't think we watched many of the Roger Moore. When they came out I enjoyed the ones with Brosnan but some things seem slapstick now. Connery will always be the best.
    Donna likes this.
  15. Belle

    Belle Member

    What is it about Sean Connery that makes him so appealing to everyone? He's my favorite Bond, too, but I thought many others here would prefer the younger, more recent ones. I just love that man!
  16. Donna

    Donna Member

    Ahhhh Belle!! He's so good looking. He also has that look that says he's not a man to be toyed with. Combine all that with the wonderful British accent and you have a heart throb.

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