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Grand National & Sweepstakes!

Discussion in 'Life in General' started by porridge, April 8, 2017.

  1. porridge

    porridge Member

    Got pub, gotta betting ticket, got mobile. Anybody up for a wager? Pick yer horsey and post it here.

    I'm for Drop Out Joe!

    Winner gets custom title of "Grand National Sweepstakes Champ 2017"

    Optional pool of 10 diamonds entry, Winner take all.

    One horse per player - bold your entry. Runners and Riders

    Guesses close at the start of the race.

    Last edited by a moderator: April 8, 2017
  2. jessica

    jessica Active Member

    Definitely Red!

    Aren't sweepstakes supposed to be random draws?o_O
  3. tirial

    tirial Member

    So right as I'm discussing this over email someone starts one anyway... @porridge, can you add some rules, and I'll mod them into your post. We were discussing an optional entry fee in diamonds, winner takes all, and custom title for the year.

    Put me down for Wounded Warrior.

    And there's a list of runners here for people without a paper handy: Grand National Runners
    Last edited by a moderator: April 8, 2017
  4. Tregaron

    Tregaron Member

    It seems you beat me to it. Therefore I shall have Highland Lodge.

    How did you overlook that one?
  5. tirial

    tirial Member

    Ok, so I am in for 10 diamonds.

    (For overseas visitors, please note sweepstakes are legal in the UK, we're only running it on the Bookangel board, for members, with a fixed entry fee and it makes no profit: Sweepstakes and the law - Sweepstake Kit)
  6. Tregaron

    Tregaron Member

    10 diamonds.
  7. CatInASuit

    CatInASuit Administrator Staff Member

    10 diamonds it is.

    Cause of Causes

    and before it gets taken, I'm fairly certain Bookangel will take Rogue Angel
  8. jessica

    jessica Active Member

    10 diamonds.

    We're a group of depraved gamblers, aren't we?:(
  9. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    Sweepstake huh - why not.

    10 Diamonds on Regal Encore
  10. tirial

    tirial Member

    So, to judge from yet another urgent PM this morning, @Tregaron you're in the same pub as porridge right now? Good to know, although you really should stop hanging out with such dubious characters and people of low moral fibre...
  11. Terry

    Terry Member

    On checking the odds I'll take the Young Master.

    Yeah, could me in for 10 diamonds as well.
  12. porridge

    porridge Member

    Ah know I should, but she's leading me down wicked paths. Dreadful woman that @Tregaron is, dreadful...

    Drop Out Joe - me (0 cos I'm cheap)
    Definitely Red - Jessica (10)
    Wounded Warrior - tirial (10)
    Highland Lodge - Tregaron (10)
    Cause of Causes - Cat in a Suit (10)
    Regal Encore - Kindler (10)
    Young Master - Terry (10)
  13. Angel

    Angel Munificent Critic

    Gambling - well really. Perhaps if I think of it more as a raffle where we can choose our own tickets.

    And seeing as I only have 10 diamonds anyway. it would have to be Saint Are
  14. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    I am shocked, shocked, I tell you to find there's gambling going on on this board!

    Rogue Angel - 10 credits.
  15. porridge

    porridge Member

    Top 4 are:
    1. One For Arthur (14-1)
    2. Cause of Causes (16-1) CatInASuit
    3. Saint Are (25-1) Angel
    4. Blaklion (8-1f)
    We got two in the top 3, better'n my ticket managed. Everyone ready to pony up (apart from me 'cos I'm cheap and sensible!)?

    Hey Admin, how do we pony up?
  16. CatInASuit

    CatInASuit Administrator Staff Member

    I promise I did not use any admin powers to fix the race.

    Come on you lot - cough it up :)
  17. tirial

    tirial Member

    Well Blast....

    To pay up, mouseover Wallet in the top right until the menu shows, then click on Transfer. Type in CatInASuit in the Name box, 10 in the amount box and whatever message you want to tell him in the Message box, then click Give Credits to give him credits.

    I've paid.
  18. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    Paid up. I am very disappointed with Rogue Angel, to take the lead for so long and then have that ending.
  19. Angel

    Angel Munificent Critic

    Close - so very close to winning.

    Oh well - it's all in fun.
  20. jessica

    jessica Active Member

    Definitely Red went so early :( Congrats CatInASuit:)

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