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Moving threads

Discussion in 'Site News' started by Bookangel, 30 Dec 2015.

  1. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    We're now about ready to start moving threads off some of the larger boards. Thanks to the database this means digging through the log files in some cases so its going to be a slow process.

    We have found that one of the sites will give us an RSS of the posts, so we're going to split those by user and load them into the admin forum we've created, then manually correct them and move them to the right thread, then into the forums here. This will take time, so be patient (yes, porridge, your post count will rise).

    Users who haven't come across yet will have guest accounts of accounts created.

    And, to save ourselves work, is it really worth moving the game threads?
  2. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    And it might be delayed as I just found jessica's thread on Bad Fanfiction Theatre. That thing is a dangerous time sink.
  3. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    Transfer in progress. We're sorting the posts a few threads at a time, but Xenforo's RSS import wipes the dates, so reassembling them into threads will take time.

    Some of our older users like MellyCross and SirMeowsalot haven't come across yet, and we haven't heard from them in six months. Not transferring the posts leaves very patchy threads, so we were going to create holding accounts for now. If anyone can get in touch with them, please do.
  4. Tregaron

    Tregaron Member

    How's it going?
  5. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    Oh dear. It is taking longer than I thought. I've largely reassembled four threads, so only 3,500 posts to go.
  6. Tregaron

    Tregaron Member

    It's New Years Eve. Leave it for 2016!
  7. Angel

    Angel Munificent Critic

    Certainly do leave it for now - and as for the game threads perhaps never. Let everyone start with a fresh, clean slate and perhaps some of those answers can be used once again.
  8. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    Well, we have two threads that seem to be complete, so we'll try recovering those now to the main forums as a test.

    If it works, I'm signing off for 2015.

    Edit: Looks like it worked. Shortly going to sign off for 2015. Have a Happy New Year all.
  9. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    Mind if we post in the recovered threads or are they just for having them around.
  10. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    Feel free to post in them. (Yes I am around, doing vaguely admin-y things, but its New Years Day so don't expect much from me.)

    Edited to add: Actually feel free, and if any of them come back into use I'll pull the ARCHIVE tag off.
    Last edited: 2 Jan 2016
  11. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    Progress is underway. More threads have been rebuilt and moved. The problem is that I have an incomplete data dump from the old boards, some of which had similar threads on them (e.g. NaNoWriMo). When the posts get imported here the threading is lost and repairing it is a manual database job.

    I've created two admin accounts: Account Removed for users banned from the old boards, and Review Comment which should take the new comments from the reviews and the old guest comments, making it easier to shift things across.

    I'm sorry, but it's very unlikely I'll be recovering anything from before 2015. There's simply too much, and most of it was on the private boards.
  12. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    We've made one change to the way Reviews are handled. Each book now gets one review/comment thread, so the few books that have multiple reviews will have one comment thread, shared.

    We're now working on making the book page pick up comments, and removing BBCode from the comments on the main site.
    Last edited: 13 Jan 2016
  13. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    Next job: cross link reviews so related bookreviews can be shown. Good luck, tirial.
  14. tirial

    tirial Member

    Done, and I am owed cake for that. Check the very bottom of the reviews pages, and you'll see three cross-links.

    1) It removes the current page from results
    2) It works by tagging, so the reviews need to be tagged to work
    3) It is random each time.
    4) If there are no results, there's no cross link.

    And I've added the pretty cover pics and layout off my own back, as the titles didn't tell readers very much. Let me know what else you need and where you want it positioned.

    BTW it is built so you can tag the scheduled posts up in advance without breaking the system
  15. Terry

    Terry Member

    Holy wow tirial - nice work indeed.

    Well earned box of jaffa cakes for that one.

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