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Star Wars VII + spoilers

Discussion in 'Life in General' started by CatInASuit, 27 Dec 2015.

  1. jessica

    jessica Active Member

    Has anyone got the novelisation yet?
  2. skye

    skye Member

    Nope, I'm waiting for part II now.
  3. Terry

    Terry Member

    Novelisation - would that be
    • The story of the film,
    • The lego story of the film,
    • The lego game of the story of the film,
    • The children's sticker book of the film
    • Some other unathourised cash-in of the story
  4. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    I always liked the comic strips. Shame they are all non-canon now. :silent:
  5. Terry

    Terry Member

    So, would anyone like a Rey doll then, anyone? Well tough, because apparently no-one wants one according to the executives.

    Sorry, not interested in the janitor doll or the whiny emo doll, I'd like the Jedi doll, ta.
  6. jessica

    jessica Active Member

    Actually all three would be nice.:rolleyes:

    But 'janitor'? That's not nice, Terry. He beat off indoctrination and escaped a huge base. You can call the marketing executives clueless disconnected moron idiots without insulting a good character and a good actor. Like I just did.
  7. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    He says he worked in sanitation, he's a janitor...and he's probably got more secrets from cleaning up around the base than your average Sith Lord. ;)

    No-one notices the guy who cleans up the mess after everyone else.
  8. Tregaron

    Tregaron Member

    I suddenly remember the penguin in Batman Returns, holding up that shredded letter he'd taped together. Then isn't it true that the people with the most access across a top secret base are those cleared, and those who clean it, and it is the cleaners who know the short cuts.

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