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Game Fictional Characters A-Z

Discussion in 'Life in General' started by Tregaron, 14 Dec 2015.

  1. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    Bottom - Midsummer Night's Dream
  2. tirial

    tirial Member

    Clarice Starling, Hannibal
  3. Terry

    Terry Member

    Dorian Grey (The Picture of Dorian Grey)
  4. atry

    atry Member

    Edward Cullen from Twilight
  5. Terry

    Terry Member

    Can't believe you went there.

    Fat Controller - Thomas the Tank Engine
  6. Tregaron

    Tregaron Member

    George from The Shepherd's Crown by Terry Pratchet
  7. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    Hercule Poirot (Death on the Nile)
  8. jessica

    jessica Active Member

    Ian Chesterton, Doctor Who and the Unearthly Child novelisation
  9. Tregaron

    Tregaron Member

    Juliet "Jules" Stollop, Unseen Academicals
  10. Terry

    Terry Member

    Katniss Everdeen - The Hunger Games
  11. tirial

    tirial Member

    Lassie, Lassie come home
  12. jessica

    jessica Active Member

    Mustrum Ridcully, Lords and Ladies
  13. Reader

    Reader Vile Critic

    Ned Fain, A Cold Goodbye (You had me at polar bear pit?)
  14. Terry

    Terry Member

    Oh flippin' 'eck. Straight from the video review :rolleyes:
  15. Tregaron

    Tregaron Member

    Flippin' 'eck doesn't start with an O. ;)

    Ozymandius, Rosalind and Helen, A Modern Eclogue; with Other Poems
  16. atry

    atry Member

    Pamela Andrews, Pamela or Virtue Rewarded
  17. porridge

    porridge Member

    For a moment I thought you said Pamela Anderson.

    Quirinius Quirrel, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Sorcerer's Stone

    No, its not the same book. The text was changed for the US.
  18. Angel

    Angel Munificent Critic

    I'm terribly sorry, but I will have to disagree with you, porridge.

    Text changes and titles changes do not make it a different book. Otherwise every revision of every book that has been published could be considered fair use, and we would find ourselves quoting the years associated.

    It may certainly be viable, in fact it is highly recommended, for Mornington Crescent, but that does not mean it is acceptable in this game.

    Now, if the book had been heavily re-written, paraphrased or even generally updated, as in the difference between say, Pride and Prejudice as considered against Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, you could argue that the difference is great enough to consider it a new work...

    ... porridge - you pest, you're making me ramble.

    As they say, TL;DR - Same book, different edition.

    And seeing as we need a new Q - I hereby propose

    Quint - Jaws
  19. porridge

    porridge Member


    Richard, Richard III
  20. Angel

    Angel Munificent Critic

    Honestly shocked I didn't think of this one earlier.

    Sherlock Holmes - A Scandal in Bohemia

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