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Captain America Civil War - Nope: Deadpool

Discussion in 'Life in General' started by jessica, 31 Dec 2015.

  1. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    Ok, now you can spoiler it. :cool:

    It's not the greatest film in the world, but boy does it scratch an itch. Soooo good to see it be really faithful to the source material and it's what the fans wanted. So that's probbaly why the showing was packed.

    Yeah, there are lots of things they could have done to improve it, but for now, it's definitely the new Iron Man. Just have to wait for all the copycats to come out.

    I bet it doesn't date as bad as people think either, there are too many jokes from the last 40 years, i.e. Monty Python, let alone contemporary ones
  2. jessica

    jessica Active Member

    International women's day? :D:D:D Best movie romance ever!!!
  3. Terry

    Terry Member

    Damn good movie indeed - well enjoyed it and it deserves to do well.

    Feel really sorry for the upcoming movies, especially Bats vs Supes, which is going to look grim and dark and well out of place by comparison
  4. Terry

    Terry Member

    Wow - so many movies, Wolverine 3, Bats vs Supes Suicide Squad, coming out are now aiming for the R-Rating - just by co-incidence you understand, nothing to do with Deadpool proving it can be done.
  5. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    And now Spiderman just appeared in the latest Civil War trailer.

    This year is gonna be stacked for movies.
  6. tirial

    tirial Member

    I believe International Women's Day has just become a meme, or at least Linkara quoted it in his Deadpool review. Who am I kidding, everyone seems to have quoted it in their reviews.
  7. Angel

    Angel Munificent Critic

    *Looks up International Women's Day and Deadpool* :eek:

    That was...unexpected.
  8. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    Heh, looks like the grumpyverse isn't going to make as much as Deadpool in the USA. This amuses me no end.

    In better news, Civil War is getting a load of rave reviews and is probably gonna make a billion.

    Also: does anyone know or care about Dr Strange? I remeber reading the early comics and they were always interesting, but I just cannot see BC as fitting the role. It'll take Tilda Swinton to save that one, though watching her play a wrinkly old oriental guy is gonna be fun...

    ...whaddyamean she's going to be all androgyne again?

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