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Liz Lund-a-thon

Discussion in 'Tea Room (Book Chat)' started by Reader, 11 Mar 2016.

  1. Reader

    Reader Vile Critic

    Bloody awful and I hate you all. I like the books, however.
  2. Angel

    Angel Munificent Critic

    I don't want to say I told you so....

    Anyway, well done on even attempting all five in one go. I'll send some more Chicken soup round.
  3. Reader

    Reader Vile Critic

    Finished Juicy Jersey.

    Going from the first to the fifth book in the series made it obvious how much the author's style has developed over the series, and just how much the characters have grown and changed. Mina's family have gone from "oh my gosh, a murder" to resignation and teasing Mina about her being a murder magnet and asking if she just found the one.

    This is much more tightly woven, with every plot thread carefully linked to the main plot, and some very nice character work upfront that means you don't need to read the rest of the series to enjoy this: Mina and Jack's characters come across clearly in the first few pages of the book. Moving the action to Jersey meant I missed Vinnie, although Mrs. Slash is going to prove an intriguing addition to the cast once they are back in Lancaster for the next book.

    The plot bordered on the ridiculous in parts, even though it is all carefully explained, but it was an enjoyable read and fast enough paced that I didn't care too much. I'd still put the second and third books as the strongest in the series, but this is a perfectly enjoyable read.

    Again, this series seems to pile up the bodies and guns more than many cozy mysteries, and the mystery isn't the main focus of the story until the last two books with Mina's rather disorganised life taking precedence before then. But whatever genre I'd put it in: comedy/drama, humour, mystery, or cozy mystery, these are funny books with a lot of entertainment value.

    Good night.
  4. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    Well done! I honestly didn't think you'd get through all of them.
  5. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    Some Twitter feedback I thought you might be interested in:
  6. jessica

    jessica Active Member

    Wow, you read them all? I didn't know there was a book 5, but I've added it to my to-read pile!

    (sees Tweet. o_O Faints.)
  7. Terry

    Terry Member

    So, has anyone heard from Reader at all?
  8. Reader

    Reader Vile Critic

    I slept late.
  9. Terry

    Terry Member

    Very late by the looks of it.
  10. tirial

    tirial Member

    I don't know. 10:30 is a perfectly good time to get up. ;)

    I rather liked book two. Is there anyone who's not familiar with scrabbling for work at the moment?
    (And Reader? Have a lie in this morning/evening/whatever. )
  11. Angel

    Angel Munificent Critic

    Is that am or pm?

    Well, I'm glad that so many people liked the books. Although now I have to admit that I haven't got Book 5 yet, although I have no doubt that Reader will be throwing it at me shortly.
  12. tirial

    tirial Member

    You mean you'll be stealing her Kindle once she's better, perhaps?
  13. Angel

    Angel Munificent Critic

    Certainly not - I'll be asking politely.

    It does some wrong to share a Kindle, it's just not the same as sharing an honest-to-goodness paperback.

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