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Discussion in 'The Dive' started by Bookangel, 11 Apr 2016.

  1. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    You've been on five minutes and I've had to move a post to admin, attempted a mod edit, gave up and deleted it. Enough.

    OK, the book's Scottish and I can see your point and agree with it, but those comments appear on the main site. Bad poster!
  2. porridge

    porridge Member

    Take 3: This is a scottish book, as you can tell from the title. However the residents have none o the scotts canniness you'd expect form them. You'd think they'd grown up in England for all the, what kind of moron goes to the loch edge in a storm alone? It doesn' take a monster to kill you if you slip into a peat loch they'll never see you in the dark and the storms, and the old guy is the most spectacularly ungrateful <mod edit>individual</modedit> You'd think he was an <modedit>Englishman</modedit>.

    I didn't like it. Cos they was morons.

    Edited for language: please stick to english, not Gaelic. May yet be removed.
    Last edited by a moderator: 11 Apr 2016
  3. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    Your third attempt is now in the Dive, since that will allow you to say exactly how you feel. The review thread is now on my watchlist. (Why do they only do this to books they hate?)
  4. Tregaron

    Tregaron Member

    Who else saw the thread title and thought 'Oh no not again.'

    Is that Gaelic, because it is certainly not English. :rolleyes:

    The book may be less than stellar, but it is average and doesn't deserve this vitriol. It is certainly better written than your critique. I've left my comments on it.
  5. tirial

    tirial Member

    Me. Sorry, porridge.

    (and then I thought at least its not TyrantNinja back from the grave of the banned)

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