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Feature Requests (Update: Amazon Reviews)

Discussion in 'Site News' started by Bookangel, 26 Dec 2015.

  1. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    What updates and changes would you like to see on the site?

    List Updated 3rd May 2016
    Note: currently all effect is going into Bargainbookangel.co.uk which is in Beta. Full launch 10th May 2016.

    Current Requests
    Update the search
    Make the site look better on tablets/Mobiles
    Access to review notes/books you wouldn't review
    Improve the app to include video/lists/reviews/genre choice.
    Members functions
    Serial setting to show first book and a page for serials.

    Bargain 99p books - Bargainbookangel.co.uk is in Beta.
    Other sources than Amazon - talking to Draft to Digital
    Speed up site - Voting plugins removed. Other work underway (make pagination integral).
    Amazon.co.uk Reviews - It is off the never list after reviewing Amazon's T&Cs. We're working through it now. Paid reviews are still NOT AN OPTION.

    Author emails - Done March 2016.
    Social Buttons - Done March 2016: Addthis successfully implemented.
    Setting reminders for Upcoming books - Feb 2016 Calendar function added
    Replace third party blog system - Done. Jan 2016. its now part of the site
    By genre email for all users - Done 24th Jan 2016
    Get An App - Android App Market for: Bookangel
    Vanishing Book Covers - fixed Mar 2015
    EBK.Link homepage - redirect fixed. Dec 2015
    ebk.link statspage - now live Dec 2015
    Review search/links to similar reviews - now live Jan 2016
    Search improvements - pagination - now live Jan 2016
    Voting plugin removed.

    Review more books - We are!
    More third party blogs - We're talking to a few
    More social/better book boards - You're on them! If you want more posts, it's up to you.
    Payment processor for EU Residents - We're looking.
    Video Reviews - Started on Dailymotion Dec 2016, but we need youtube, better video equipment, and it just isn't fun.


    Facebook page - not until we find someone to run it for us.
    Paid Reviews - Don't Even Ask.
    Last edited: 3 May 2016
  2. Tregaron

    Tregaron Member

    Can you make the main site look more like this?
  3. jessica

    jessica Active Member

    What happened to letting us choose books by genre instead of the full list? Is that still on the cards?
    Pipsqueak likes this.
  4. skye

    skye Member

    I know I'm a bit new but is there any chance of an author board or somewhere to swap resources?
  5. Pipsqueak

    Pipsqueak New Member

    Hiya - where's the FAQ, I can't find it.
  6. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    We're working on the FAQ now.

    An author board might be useful, particularly for blogs and links, but for now it can go in the Tea Room while we finish moving threads. If we get enough authors we'll move the threads to their own board.
  7. Pipsqueak

    Pipsqueak New Member

    Hiya - could I get one for horror? :)
  8. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    There's a complication with the "by genre" mail. It needs to be generated per user, which means we can't send it through our external mailserver, and we're close to the limit on our webserver. We are working on a way round this, but the cost is significant.

    As always it comes down to money and time. Sorry.
  9. tirial

    tirial Member

  10. CatInASuit

    CatInASuit Administrator Staff Member

    Thanks, I'll take a look into it.
  11. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    It looks like that might work for us. We're working on it now.
  12. CatInASuit

    CatInASuit Administrator Staff Member

  13. Tregaron

    Tregaron Member

    So is there any chance that the "By Genre" email will come back?
  14. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    An easy way to link to bookcover titles is now in testing:
    Wrap around the title you want linked to on Amazon.co.uk. You may have to tweak the title (possibly including the author) to get it to find the exact book first, but it should also work with ISBNs.
  15. Reader

    Reader Vile Critic

    I'm afraid I can't test this as the expiry time on editing my message has passed. You have my permission to edit it.
  16. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    Thanks, I have, and it works.
  17. skye

    skye Member

    Could I ask for something on the main site pelase? Could you link similar reviews or books on the reviews page, like you've got on the books page, or could we have a review search, 'cos trying to find things is really hard?
  18. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    Added to the list.
  19. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

  20. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    Take a look at the sign-up form in the sidebar. The rest will be swapped shortly. ;)

    And thank tirial, who found a way to do it yesterday (at eleven pm, don't you ever sleep?) which actually drops our email costs to a third of what they were, and CatInASuit who has been wiring it in ever since.

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