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Great authors with no publishing deals?

Discussion in 'Tea Room (Book Chat)' started by jessica, 7 May 2017.

  1. jessica

    jessica Active Member

    There are some great formerly published authors on the indie scene now. People like Tanith Lee who died without a publishing deal:(, Anne Digby author of the Trebizon books (who keeps listing with bookangel - Thanks!:D), Alan Davidson and more. These are people who had publishing deals and still have fans, so why aren't major houses picking up their new books, or do they do better if they go indie with backlist titles and the like?
  2. Terry

    Terry Member

    Next Big Thing Syndrome - unless each new book by an author is going to sell lots I can see the larger publishing houses not being interested.

    Also, for several of these authors, they get to reclaim the back catalogue and make a living from it instead of all the earnings going to the publisher. And with a legion of ready made fans, they get much more of the profit from any new book they decide to write.
  3. Meryl

    Meryl Member

    I agree with Terry. A lot of the authors today stand to benefit more from not doing things the conventional way when it comes to publishing their books.
  4. Terry

    Terry Member

    Someone agrees with me :eek: :D

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