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WCPW - Anyone Watching?

Discussion in 'Life in General' started by porridge, 2 Oct 2016.

  1. Reader

    Reader Vile Critic

    Wrestling is not precisely my thing, but I did note that Joe Hendry is from Edinburgh. Joe Coffey, let me just check, why yes Joe Coffey is from Glasgow. Might there be a small amount of bias in your suggestion above, perchance?
  2. porridge

    porridge Member

    And Coffey's in the next round, with Golloway and without Hendry to drag 'em down! Time t'get drunk"
  3. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    Yeah and it looks like Galloway isn't going to be anywhere near the finals after all.

    Looks like Drew McIntyre has gone back to the WWE - this could be interesting
  4. jessica

    jessica Active Member

    So ah um...le'me get this straight. At No Regrets Hendry injures Cody Rhodes on the ramp:confused:. Next night at the Mexican Qualifier he injures Kirby, then stamps on his head:eek:. Then they put the belt on him for being crap:mad:?

    Not a fan, WCPW. Not watching anymore either:(.
  5. porridge

    porridge Member

    Know what ya mean. Wasn't good wrestling, wasn't entertaining, and was uncomfortable viewing. Stuff 'em. Not spending on this.

    They've just announced Loaded's back. Might watch if they can book New Jack vs. Hendry, no DQ, no holds barred. Winner is the one who's opponent spends more time in hospital. Good for fans 'n no Hendry on screen for months.
  6. tirial

    tirial Member

    My view is here: Tirial and Errror » Hard to watch…

    I'll cancel Extra, watch on youtube, and take the beer run for Hendry's matchs. Incompetence does not entertain me. He didn't come off as a heel. He came off as a moron.
  7. jessica

    jessica Active Member

    I can't watch this. I didn't hear good things about the Canadian qualifier and when I got told this would be better and got pulled along to watch it they pulled a faked injury right after what happened last time:rolleyes:. They're asking for someone to get really hurt, and the audience won't care. Then they cancelled Loaded but they knew about the ad problems a month before the original announcement so nothing had changed:mad:.

    What a mess. :(
  8. porridge

    porridge Member

    Youtube pulled 'em and gave 'em a strike. Bloody undeserved.

    Youtube 2017:
    Hate videos = OK.
    Mock their logo? YOU'RE BANNED!

  9. tirial

    tirial Member

    And according to twitter the fans were the worst thing about Built to Destroy II. According to my friend who still subscribes, it was something about the Prestiege...

    It wasn't until we got to talking that the pattern came up. The Prestiege started as a DX or Horsemen-type group: legitimately believable dangerous tough guys. Then they started recruiting, and it turned into the NWO, and we know what that turned into (wolfpac, and red and black, and what a mess...) DX and the Horsemen worked for longer because they kept membership down.

    There are some really close parallels. After the core NWO group formed, they recruited Syxx (Sean Waltman) and Nick Patrick (a referee). The Prestiege just recruited El Ligero, and the ring announcer... Eric Bishoff came up in the next couple for the NWO, so if the GM joins don't be surprised.

    Problem is we saw this angle play out in the 90's. Life's too short for a retread.

    Lots of complaints about the crowd. What went on?
  10. porridge

    porridge Member

    Some twats threw beer cans at the ring. Should've chucked 'em at the writers.

    Great matches. Stupid booking. Lousy night.
  11. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    I'll go double on porridge and throw a Sour finish in for good measure.

    Matches themselves other than the last couple were enjoyable. Got better as the evening went on and built up the show really well.

    Then we get the Vince Russo super double backflip twist with a half pike booked endings. It's currently turned from WCPW to "Hi, I'm Adam and this is how I would have booked the NWO, because I'm a smarky bastard."

    You know what would have been nice, if Archer had given Gracie the coat and ripped the Prospect logo off the back to show it had Gracie's name and then handed it across. Instead it's yet another heel turn where one guy backstabs another. See Ligero/Kirby at the last one.

    Speaking of which - the pink briefcase - really? Here you go Kirby, now we are going to take it away. Also, since when did Hendry get to dictate the terms of matches...yeah, I can see Blampied wanting to do the "It was me Kirby, it was me all along..." line. Oh well, another heel GM turn coming up at which point it may as well go the way of WCW.

    Problem is at this point, I'm not looking forward to Hendry losing the title, because he's never managed to win a match by himself. It's like he's a caretaker holder until a proper champion comes along, which could also include any other members of the Prestige as well.

    Ah well, I'll probably watch the next one but its stopped being something I don't want to be spoiled on to a I'll check the matches and results and see if I feel like it.
  12. porridge

    porridge Member

    Two-fer of WCPW's World Cup this weekend with the German qualifiers last night and the Japanese tonight. It's a joke now with Galloway out without a tourney to see who gets his place. Now Cody Rhodes quits the American one. Bright spot, 'cos Keith Lee's replaced him and his powerbomb is a thing of beauty. It's all on Youtube.
  13. jessica

    jessica Active Member

    I was watching the qualifier, but the results just got spoiled by the live draw halfway through:confused:. What were they thinkingo_Oo_O?!
  14. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    That everyone would have finished watching the Japanese qualifiers by the time it aired, not to mention that they were really good as well.,

    And yeah, that draw was totally live, 100%, kayfabe-like in its authenticity.

    And we get KUSHIDA vs Kenny Williams - in the back to the future special and Ospreay vs Rey Mysterio Jr.

    Oh this is going to be good.
  15. porridge

    porridge Member

    Catching some of it on youtube. World Cup Final's on there, ain't it?
  16. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    Loaded's back and I've sneaked a look at the spoilers for the remaining world cup qualifiers...

    It's going to be a good August.
  17. porridge

    porridge Member

    Not happy. The semis livestream was busted last night. Works now. WTH?
  18. porridge

    porridge Member

    So looks like it was a good thing while it lasted. No more wcpw just defiant wrestling. Nicking a name from another promo is sloppy. New GM? Not impressed.
  19. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    I'm probably gonna give it a shot - I doubt it's gong to be worse than Impact wrestling in all it's rebrand glory.

    Would have preferred Doug Williams as the new GM but it's good to see Stu Bennett back in the ring in some form or another.
  20. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    Well. That's it done and dusted for Loaded and WCPW, it's now on hiatus until December when it's back with a IPPV.

    The name isn't growing on me, which is a shame, even though the card looks good.

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