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Review Fairytale – Mouse and Mouser

Discussion in 'Reviews' started by Bookangel, 21 Aug 2017.

  1. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    Fairytale – Mouse and Mouser

    this is a short, script, format ebook to read with children or to them, rather than a book for them to read themselves.

    Continue reading...
    Last edited: 22 Aug 2017
  2. Demi

    Demi Member

    I have been looking for a book to read to my little cousin (he's not able to read himself) so I think that this would be a good choice. I'll check it out.
  3. natalie

    natalie Member

    That's an interesting format for a fairytale. I think that you're right, it could be really handy in a classroom setting, however I just don't think it'd be all that engaging to simply read to a child. I know I always enjoyed pictures when I was little at least.
  4. Donna

    Donna Member

    After reading the first few lines, it sounds intriguing. I think it would appeal better to smaller children with some visuals. If you only had a stuffed cat and mouse, the words would be more real and they would love to chime in on the ending "My Lady, My Lady."

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