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A one Title Bookshop

Discussion in 'Tea Room (Book Chat)' started by Angel, 30 Dec 2015.

  1. Angel

    Angel Munificent Critic

    Well, it does appear that in Japan someone has opened a new bookshop with the, dare I say it, gimmick of only stocking one book at a time. Admittedly, it's a several copies of the same book, so a variety of people can purchase copies, but they only ever stock one title.

    The books change on a weekly basis, so it's certainly not limiting itself to a specific area.

    The store was opened by Morioka Shoten in Tokyo and is certainly an intriguing idea and as a concept and exhibition piece, it is certainly something that has people talking, and I have no doubt that people will go along to be part of it, even in purchasing a book as if it is more an event than a store.

    But for all its clever idea and the thought that has gone in to it alas, I don't believe I would appreciate it. For myself, a bookstore is preceisely that, a store filled with books. All shapes and sizes, each filled with the possibility of a new experience, the good and not so good variety. While having a single book available for purchase as presented to the customer, I have always preferred the certain enjoyment when I leave an establishment with a new paperback in hand that was otherwise unknown to me, which still looks like a good read.

    So would anyone else be interested in a shop of one title?
  2. Reader

    Reader Vile Critic

    Do you have a link for more information?

    If you have never seen a bookstore with one title, I have to ask if you've been in any chain bookstore the week that the later Harry Potter titles came out. (Or perhaps Twilight, or Fifty Shades?)

    As a mix of store and art it is an intriguing concept, but I do have to wonder how the owner picked the book.
  3. skye

    skye Member

    I might go once, but unless the book changes I wouldn't go back.
  4. Tregaron

    Tregaron Member

    Does the store stock one title or one edition of a title? I could see it being interesting if it was one title, but every edition of that every published, so braille, hardcover, audio book, paperbacks, digital, and possibly even translations and international editions.

    Otherwise it must feel like a furniture store, since they populate their bookshelves with backstock from publishers. It isn't hard to find demo rooms with several hundred copies of the same book on the shelves.
  5. Pipsqueak

    Pipsqueak New Member

    Hiya. That could be great for book launches having the entire store to yourself.

    Then you would know that everyone coming is doing so for your book.
  6. Reader

    Reader Vile Critic

    And yet still, we have no link?
  7. Angel

    Angel Munificent Critic

    I believe the store has one edition of one title available for purchase and it changes on a weekly basis. That's it, so I am not sure whether it counts as a bookstore or a marketing ploy.

    It has also been open since last May as well, news is obviously slow arriving but if you wish to know more about it, then this piece on Morioka Shoten is a useful place to start.

    As to existing chain stores, when the latest blockbuster comes out, yes I can see your point. You cannot move for either it, it's advertising or any associated literature or, as has become increasingly common, big screen tie-ins.
  8. jessica

    jessica Active Member

    I don't think its for me. Imagine turning up and finding its full of a book you hate? I'd want to know what book it had in in advance so I knew my trip wouldn't be wasted.
  9. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    What have the titles been like - mainstream or those little off beat novels that reviewers love and noone else has ever heard of?
  10. Angel

    Angel Munificent Critic

    Oh it varies, it's not just japanese books that have been stocked, but a wide ranging variety from across the globe.

    Thinking on it further, I could see some value in it, if the title was not known from week to week leading to a once in a while journey could be a surprise or a letdown, with the anticipation being the thing to look forward to.

    I would still prefer to browse a shelf of books though.
  11. Tregaron

    Tregaron Member

    It's tiny! I was expecting something more like an Ottakars or Waterstones. As it is, "a single room with a single book" sounds like a blend of book club and book shop, and the idea of bringing readers and author together is definitely something I could get behind.
  12. Terry

    Terry Member

    Looks liek the sort of place you'd go to have a book launch. Wonder if that's part of the frason behind it, everything in it is about the book, so no distractions of other books to take away from the one on offer.

    Could be quite cool if they get a load of background on the book or author to add to it. If its just a couple of display cases, I can't see the point.
  13. porridge

    porridge Member

    You think they'd lay on snacks?

    It seems a bit pointless really, where's the money? Charge authors to get chosen or do they have a lot readers who'll buy whatever's picked?
  14. Angel

    Angel Munificent Critic

    It's a bookshop, not a saloon bar. Would you really want small bowls of peanuts around? Imagine all those salty, sticky fingers rummaging around, flicking over pages and marking them.

    I have a feeling people are buying the for the novelty and experience instead of the work of literature.
  15. Terry

    Terry Member

    That could always be the next step on from bookshops with cafes attached.

    Bookshops with a saloon bar attached, maybe a cosy pub?
  16. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    Probably not a sports bar though. Trying to read and watch the game at the same time is always a bit tricky.

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