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ARCHIVE Terry Pratchett - Sad News

Discussion in 'Tea Room (Book Chat)' started by MellyCross (On Hiatus), 12 Mar 2015.

  1. Sadly, Terry Pratchett has passed away.

    He will be very much missed.
    Last edited by a moderator: 3 Jan 2016
  2. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

  3. jessica

    jessica Active Member

    The worst thing about Altzheimers is in some ways it feels like we mourned the author before the man passed away. I know it sounds awful, but...look I can't say this right, OK?

    Rest in Peace, Sir Pterry:((
  4. Reader

    Reader Vile Critic

    I have no words.

    Rest in Peace.
  5. porridge

    porridge Member

    Another great writer gone. Feels like my youth went with him.

  6. Tregaron

    Tregaron Member

    For once I find myself crying in front of my screen. I've never really been into his books, but his work for dementia sufferers gave hope to so many.

    RIP. He will be missed.
  7. Terry

    Terry Member

    This one still bites, even so many months later.

    I still keep expecting a new book out once every so often on yet more of the foibles of humanity.

    Ook. :(
  8. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    I'll be honest the last few books aren't really Pratchett books. Sure they have the name on them, and you can see some of the intelligence, but they just don't feel like Pratchett books used to be.

    Not sure what I would call the last proper Discworld novel he wrote, probably Going Postal.

    But yeah, great writer, sadly missed and a mile better the J.K. Rowling any day of the week.
  9. Reader

    Reader Vile Critic

    It's the worst thing about Altzheimer's. It lets you watch the pieces of the person you know and love fall away and leaves you to grieve what they were while they are still alive - and they know and grieve it too.

    A friend of mine said it felt like losing the author while the man still lived. That is the best way I have seen it put.
  10. Terry

    Terry Member

    I'm just hoping they leave Discworld alone and don't start looking at ways to package it for sale or try to get other writers in do spin offs.
  11. jessica

    jessica Active Member

    Apparently Rihanna Pratchett has the rights. I'd like to see more, but only if it's done well. There are a few fan writers who are pretty good.
  12. Terry

    Terry Member

    I dunno, once they start it with one of them, they'll start thinking they can make money off all of it.

    Only one I would really like to see done is Guards, Guards and some others of the City Watch novels.
  13. Tregaron

    Tregaron Member

    Done as what? A spin-off novel, TV show...?

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