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Do you swap books?

Discussion in 'Tea Room (Book Chat)' started by Alexandoy, 1 Apr 2017.

  1. Alexandoy

    Alexandoy New Member

    I used to swap books with a colleague in the office because he also loves science fiction stories. When I would buy a book, I had to tell him so he wouldn't buy the same. We thrived with that setup for some years that's why I had read so many books of Isaac Asimov, my favorite author although it also gave me the insight on the stories of other authors like Ron Hubbard who established a religion called Scientology.

    If you have friends who are into the same genre as yours then why not initiate a setup like ours - swapping books is fun and saves you money as well.
  2. HattieMoon

    HattieMoon Member

    I love swapping books, thankfully my friends do too. Have never tried anything as organised as you have, it's more a case of either knowing what someone likes and passing them on, or inviting visitors to help themselves to whatever is going.
  3. Context

    Context New Member

    This brings back memories. I used to frequent certain locally owned bookstores in a town I used to live in, and this is kind of what people did on the side. The main part of the store was for sales, but they had a few back rooms for reading, socializing, etc.....and this is what people did. They would bring books that they were finished with, meet up with others, swap out, talk about favorite parts of the stories........good times.
  4. Miranda

    Miranda Member

    I don't have that many people in my circle who like reading and so I've never been able to swap books with anybody. I do spend quite a lot of time in our local book store, though, and I do get to meet a lot of other readers. I think it may be time to start cultivating a few of those acquaintanceships into real friendships and see what happens.
  5. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    That would kind of involve giving my Kindle over, so no - I don't tend to swap books.

    Swap the names of titles that you should read is more like it.
  6. jessica

    jessica Active Member

    Never! After the number that I didn't get back :mad: or got back with cracked spines and damage:mad::mad::mad: I don't lend books any more.

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