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Email Upgrade - IMPORTANT

Discussion in 'Site News' started by Bookangel, 24 Jan 2016.

  1. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    We've just moved our email system onto an entirely new provider and backend. There's a very simple reason for this: although it required a lot of set up and technical work upfront it cuts our email cost to 10% of what it was.

    Each email has two links at the bottom, Unsub from all Emails, and Edit your Subscription which allows you to change what emails, and Genres, you receive. This is a heavily upgraded version of the one that we used initially, so most users should be familiar with it.

    **Note** Some users will receive an "On Hiatus" email. This means your provider did not confirm your email address was valid during the move, so you can't receive further automatic emails. If you get the Hiatus email, please click the "Edit your subscription" link provided, and tick the emails & genres you want. Your emails will immediately be reactivated. (So if you wondered why a couple of hundred subscribers dropped off, that is what happened).

    With thanks to tirial and CatInASuit, for spending their weekend fixing this for us.

    Please ask any questions below:
  2. tirial

    tirial Member

    The email upgrade is complete. The old system was breaking links, which is also now fixed. And from Tuesday, authors who request it should be emailed when their books go free.
  3. Terry

    Terry Member

    Congrats guys - hope it all works as you want it to do.

    ETA: Author emails as well? Wow, nice upgrade.

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