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How do you stop reading when you go to the exciting part?

Discussion in 'Tea Room (Book Chat)' started by Alexandoy, 30 Mar 2017.

  1. Alexandoy

    Alexandoy New Member

    It is normal for a reader to be engrossed in the book when the story is nearing climax. The question is how do you drop the book when you reach that part and you need to attend to your job or you need to sleep? In my earlier years of reading, I would spend the whole night reading the book because I couldn't sleep and my mind seemed to have been attached to the story so I had to continue reading. That is especially when the suspense is heightening. But in the later years, I have learned to save the best for last, meaning I quit reading so tomorrow I have something to look forward to.
    pwarbi and to7update like this.
  2. to7update

    to7update New Member

    Yeah, you are mentioning a great point right there @Alexandoy! When we get to that part of the book we simply can't stop reading, the only thing that makes me stop is being too tired that my head cannot process anymore, or simply when I have other things I can't postpone.

    Lately with the kids around I find harder to have me time to read, so whenever I can I find a safe spot where I know I will be able to read for a couple of hours. :D
    pwarbi likes this.
  3. pwarbi

    pwarbi New Member

    I'm the same as most other people on here I'd imagine, and when a book starts to get good it can be hard to put it down. Once I get engrossed in something I do tend not to be able to stop until I've finished. The problem then though is that I sometimes end up reading an entire book within a few days and then I'm looking for another book to make a start on, but promise myself I will take my time with that one...I never do of course, but at least the intention is there!

    Has anybody ever tried reading more than one book at a time? Maybe that could be a way to stop people continuing reading because then they will have more than one book and story to be excited about.
    HattieMoon and to7update like this.
  4. to7update

    to7update New Member

    lol, never, well, except when I was a student, but in those days I had to do it, and now I read because I love it @pwarbi.

    My wife used to do that though, she picked up a book, started reading it, went to another, dropped it for the first one, and so on, but with kids we have way less time, so now we both have one book and just read it when we can. :)
    pwarbi likes this.
  5. Nocturnal Thinker

    Nocturnal Thinker New Member

    It did happen to me. I was on the point to reach the main or the plot of the story which I am reading when suddently an important call from my boss comes in. I have no choice but to stop it. I will just mark it and go back soon. Or I would rather bring the book with it while I am traveling I am finishing reading it.

    In my reading activity, I do it part by part by marking on the particular page where I do stop or complete a chapter before I stop reading rather than a partifcular page. It takes patience to do it.
  6. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    That's the good thing about a Kindle, if something disturbs you at a really important point, then you don't have to do anything. It stores that point ready to go.

    Stopping reading at the vital point is a judgement call. Is what am I going to have to do more important than the crazy scene I'm reading right now? If not or it can wait, then I'll happy keep on reading
  7. Context

    Context New Member

    I just keep in mind that I will not forget the story that led up to the point where I am at now. The suspenseful part will still be just that.......even if you have to put the book down for a few days.
    HattieMoon likes this.
  8. HattieMoon

    HattieMoon Member

    Mostly I try to make myself stop reading at the end of the page I am on, whether that is particularly exciting or not. Often, especially if I read in bed, I stop reading when the book falls from my hand and hits the deck after I fell asleep.
  9. Meryl

    Meryl Member

    I don't ever find it hard to stop because I've discovered that it's always great to have something to look forward to and if I have to put a book down at that exciting part of it then I just focus on what I have to look forward to and how much fun I'm going to have reading the book the next day.
    HattieMoon likes this.
  10. tirial

    tirial Member

    How do I stop reading at the good part?

    With great difficulty.

    I think that sums it up really.
  11. Terry

    Terry Member

    I'm of the one page more brigade. I've missed bus stops before now, if I get totally engrossed.

    I try and do it so that I read the boring parts on any travel, and leave the good parts for when I can relax. If a story looks like hitting its stride, I'll leave off until I think I have enough time to finish it all in one go.

    I'll note this doesn't work for really good books that grip you from the get-go and you wind up spending several hours reading it all at once and then wonder where the afternoon went.

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