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London Book Fair

Discussion in 'Tea Room (Book Chat)' started by Bookangel, 11 Apr 2016.

  1. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    Following up from the club meet, we're off to the London Book Fair again. Actually we're sending tirial with a bunch of newspaper clippings, but it is the same thing.

    Last year we got a lot of review requests from it. This year possibly we can get some partnerships, or at least see if Nook or Kobo can give us an API access that would let us serve their books properly. Is anyone else going along? If you can give us a hint about getting the best out of it, please do.
  2. Tregaron

    Tregaron Member

    tirial, I wish you all the best, good luck, and I am jealous as it is far too far for me to travel. Do you have any meetings planned?
  3. tirial

    tirial Member

    Back from work, so I have the rest of the evening to get ready. I've got an A5 booklet mostly done to take along and some of last year's business cards. It is a little awkward because some of the places I need to talk to for bookangel are also ones I need to speak to for work. I've dropped a note to Kobo so should be seeing them tomorrow. Fingers crossed for a good result.

    I'm knackered just thinking about it.
  4. tirial

    tirial Member

    I'm home, I am knackered, and I have many business cards. No luck with Kobo, but D2D might be interested. I'll send you details @Bookangel & we can all discuss it tonight.

    I may be going back tomorrow, depending on whether we can get more business cards etc.
  5. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    So how big was the London Book Fair and were the any famous authors around?
  6. Ella

    Ella New Member

    I know this maybe a little late, but I used to work for the organisers of the London Book Fair and the PR company that handles the publicity.

    The best thing to do is to have a good press kit. You can add things there free of charge in the press room (I used to run it) and check daily to put your items in a good place. Make friends with the staff there and they can help you with contacts.

    It's worth also doing a free talk as there are many conferences there (again, I have managed some) and there are smaller ones on stands which can work well as long as the timing is right.

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