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Hope I'm doing this right.

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by David Ballinger, 26 Jun 2024.

  1. Hi. I'm a new author here. I'm in U.S. I wrote a couple books, self published but haven't figured out the marketing or promotion for them. I just want to thank Book Angel for having this site available so real starving authors can get their books to the readers who want them. I don't know if I'm supposed to plug my book here so for safety's sake I'll just say -look up my name and check out my book and don't be gentle. I wasn't when I wrote it.
  2. CatInASuit

    CatInASuit Administrator Staff Member

    Hi there,

    Thanks for using the site and good luck promoting your books to everyone.

    Feel free to plug your book a little here and let us know what it's all about.

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