That sounds very depressing, Tregaron. I absolutely love libraries. Being around that many books and that old book smell…I just love it. Plus,...
Oh, my! This sounds like a lot of fun! Nothing gets things going quite like a competition and rewards. Let's hope it brings some new active members.
Haha, yes, but you know, she tended to ignore historical comments like that and more or less wrote them off. But yeah, no wonder he chose Anne and...
No! I hadn't seen that thread before so thank you for pointing that out to me. I'm already addicted to it. What a neat tool! Thank you so much for...
Are any of you going to be giving NaNoWriMo a shot next month? I really want to give it a try this year. I always sign up, but never end up doing...
That's an interesting format for a fairytale. I think that you're right, it could be really handy in a classroom setting, however I just don't...
Ellie Jane, I've never heard of article spinning before. I can see the intent behind the idea, but I'm totally not surprised it doesn't pan out in...
I love Alison Weir's Tudor biographies. The one about Mary Boleyn though was a complete disappointment. She wrote a 400 page book based on very...
Donna, I'm glad I'm not the only one who needs quiet. I usually try and use a combo of pen and computer. Like, for worldbuilding, I use pen and...
I'm so excited a competition like this exists - all cat books? That's amazing. I'm going to have to check out all of the winners! Congrats to...
I never knew that there was an unofficial sequel that soon after it was written. What is it, like thirty years? That's wild. I always assumed it...
This sounds intriguing but doesn't sound like it was executed very well. I'm not a fan of ambiguous endings. That's so weird that the sample for a...
Aw, man. I was drawn to this because of the title too. What a shame it has so many errors and doesn't even tell you that much about profiling....
I had to click on this review because the title sounds hilarious. I'm upset the humor drops off so quickly. I wouldn't have expected that. I found...
I'm so weird. I need complete silence. Anything else distracts me. I wish that wasn't the case! I also use the "Write or Die" app to help me just...
That sounds amazing! I haven't read that book but it's on my list. Book-to-movie translations are always fun to discuss. I do that frequently....
The Secret Garden is such a great book! It always made me sad though. Hogwarts is one of my happy places and I love Jim Dale, so that's one of my...
Your book club sounds amazing! I love the idea of themed activities to keep things fresh and interesting. I might just have to copy that if I ever...
How often do you reread books? There are some books that I reread at least once a year, if not more. I get stuck in ruts though, I'm the same way...
The Kite Runner is a good one. While I think books like Harry Potter will stick around for a long time, I don't know if they'd reach the "Penguin"...
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