Please, please for the love of all that is holy, please. I had such high hopes of keeping my New Year's Resolution. But alas, no :oops:
Oh I think the genre has been around a for a little bit longer than the current trend of books - but I believe they are catching for precisely the...
Well, well, it appears that certain people are trying the English Mustard Gambit (I remember the game that coined it from the St. Ives...
-1 (510)
I'm afraid it does. People do like the more purient nature of some of these events. Usually along the I'm glad it's not me line. Sad, but true.
It's times like this that make reviewing books seem completely worthwhile.
To write reviews on a more regular basis, so far so good.
Will Stanton - The Dark is Rising
Oh how appropriate. Overground rules all ready into play I see. Well to prevent a bit of a bottleneck later on and keeping in theme, which also...
I honestly think there should be a disclaimer that it is based on true events but is a fictional retelling and as such things have been changed. I...
For me, it's when people ask me to review something, without sometimes telling me what it is they they want me to review.
I wonder if they have run out of franchises to pillage?
No, don't be worried, well not that much.
That is true, after a while you tend to blank out the curse words on the grounds that they often don't mean anything. It's like typing in ALL...
They have enough trouble calculating it annually, let alone quarterly even with so much of it pushed onto the taxpayer. I guess the people...
So did you come to a decision then? Enquiring minds would like to know.
Peter Pan - Peter and Wendy
That sounds like making a lot of working for no little gain. How on earth is getting everyone to pay their taxes quarterly instead of annualy...
Excellent move there, porridge. I'll go one step on with the Monopoly addendum, putting us nicely on Fenchurch Street
Separate names with a comma.