I generally hate urban fantasy. This kept me hooked! Why aren't there more books like it?
His music wasn't my cuppa tea, but his films weren't all bad. He'll be missed.
You mean like Kindle worlds does, if you're American?
:D;) Please? Put up the rest so you can get on with this year's.
Just read the actual story. Youch. Look, director, pal, mate, if you can't keep an audience through a thirty mile crawl through hostile territory...
It kept me hooked through it, and I've read a lot of noir.
If you mean more shots of Catherine Zeta Jones & Evangeline Lilly doing what CZJ did in Entrapment with a better movie round it, I'm all for it too!
"Fix their book"? That offers options. Should've sent it to Reader with instructions to shred.
Hypocrites. Or is it only alright to use someone else's work without permission if they are the original creator and have bills to pay?
'cos according to their 'message' they are moving it all to the Cloud so you can use an app to submit it. You know, the cloud that can't keep your...
Prolly pulled 'cos GW have no sense of humour. I liked the sarky comment about "opening 3 paint pots and breaking a paintbrush, causing £400 of...
Ah, but there's an easy way out of that if you know the counter. Saw it played in 1990, but its in the 1952 varient. London Bridge
Odysseus - The Odyssey
Jesus H Christ, are they just trying to kill small business or what? Don't tell me we're expected to pay taxes quarterly too.
Then why aren't you using it?
Isn't GW the evil enemy of all geeks after they stopped selling RPGs in their stores, you know, around 1982?
He means if you swear a lot, the admins can make you look intelligent. :cool:
Kiss My Ass, The Player of Games by Iain M. Banks
Separate names with a comma.