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Kim Kardashian Got Robbed

Discussion in 'Life in General' started by djbook, 5 Oct 2016.

  1. djbook

    djbook Member

    I don't really like or hate her, as much as I think she's a little unique to use social media like she does. However, it seems the same social media could be the reason why she got robbed in Paris. The robbers apparently were able to track down her whereabouts by simply using her photos as well as by tracking her "check-in" details. At least, that's the hypothesis.

    What did you think about the robbery and what it says about the safety of people in Paris? Wasn't it a little too brazen for robbers to dress up as cops? And do you sympathize with her or think she's a rich brat who deserved it?
  2. lexinonomous

    lexinonomous New Member

    I'm not a big fan of Kim Kardashian, but I don't hate the woman. I'm really surprised that someone managed to rob her. It should be fairly difficult to even approach her in public. I'd imagine that she has body guards with her on a day to day basis. There are many people that would either want to hurt her or just plain want to hug her- which is a scary thing as a celebrity.

    I sympathize with her. I don't think anyone deserves to be robbed. I could definitely see social media playing a hefty role in her being robbed. Social media gives others an outlet to hunt you down, sadly. I don't know her personally, so for me to call her a brat is a bit of a stretch.
    djbook likes this.
  3. clair02

    clair02 Member

    I respect anyone who was able to use their talents or gifts (no matter what those talents are...) to create a life they love living, and Kim has certainly done that. I feel so bad for her that she got robbed, but I guess it's some of that flak that comes with being famous.
    djbook likes this.
  4. djbook

    djbook Member

    Yeah, it is weird that we admire celebrities while at the same time we are sort of jealous of their lifestyle or something. I mean I don't personally feel that way, but considering the kind of hate that you see on the Internet, some people do want to hurt celebs just because they're celebs.
  5. lexinonomous

    lexinonomous New Member

    I've never understood wanting to hurt someone based on their fame. Sure, she didn't work for the fame she received and it was a bit handed off to her, but that isn't necessarily her fault. People tend to hate what they can't have. I don't think the people robbing her were jealous of her fame, but moreso knew they could get money out of her. She was somewhat of an easy target for them. They probably noticed from several episodes of The Kardashians that she isn't too bright and might be easy to fool.
  6. djbook

    djbook Member

    Yeah, she was an easy target, that's the reason why they went after her. I mean all the celebs live in secured hotels, but she was staying in a secluded apartment, which made it easier for these robbers to get to her.

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