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Review Raspberry Pi for Beginners

Discussion in 'Reviews' started by Bookangel, 18 Feb 2015.

  1. Bookangel

    Bookangel Administrator Staff Member

    Raspberry Pi for Beginners

    While this ebook does what it describes, this requires more technical knowledge than a beginner may possess and the odd english, typos, and broken code lines, make it a confusing read.

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  2. rz3300

    rz3300 Member

    I am not sure I have came across another ebook here on the site, but I am glad that I found this one, and the platform alone gets me excited. It does sound a little more confusing though, but I can just take that as a challenge.
  3. djbook

    djbook Member

    Lol! "Be Aware of the internet". Well, that really does set a low bar for the rest of the book. For the record I love raspberry PIs. You can automate almost anything in your home using those. I have this box that detects when I am near it and it opens up. Raspberry pis are great for the hobbyists. However, when a book says it's for the beginner and then doesn't really teach anything well, it feels bad. One can probably find many "instructables" articles on raspberry pis that would be better than this book.

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