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So, Panama...

Discussion in 'The Dive' started by porridge, 11 Apr 2016.

  1. porridge

    porridge Member

    Just for once I feel kinda almost sorry for David Cameron. His Dad set up the fund to pay his school fees, his mother's tax affairs are pretty standard for the middle class, and he's getting roasted five years down the line.

    Course I'm not sure I care if he's earned it because its so much fun to watch.

    What's the betting on any other scalps? Iceland's off the table.
  2. tirial

    tirial Member

    Cameron's will stay firmly attached. It is a bit hard to get him on something you'd have to take out half the civil service and middle class for. Until they release a few more names, it is difficult to say.

    After the thrashing I got on the Grand National, I'm not betting on anything at the moment.
  3. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    I'm betting all those governments have stopped looking at the individual people and started looking at the companies instead.

    Probably thinking of all those trillions of salted away dollars that can be fought over.
  4. jessica

    jessica Active Member

    I'll bet Putin and the Chinese one are unaffected :)
  5. djbook

    djbook Member

    Its a bit funny isn't it that the topic has basically died down? I mean this was one of the most detailed revelations of our times. Journalists from across the world went through thousands of documents to seek out politicians and other people belonging to their countries. And then.... nothing! I mean I've signed up for the ICIJ newsletter, and they keep revealing new information every few days. But, none of it seems to interest the media anymore. It seems there isn't any consequence once you've escaped the system's grasp.
  6. tirial

    tirial Member

    I think the issue has been rather overshadowed by Brexit, which co-incidentally saw the affected PM resign along with several of his cronies. The press seem to take the view that if he has gone anyway, where's the story?
  7. djbook

    djbook Member

    Well, there's the story right in front of us. He did lie didn't he? Plus, there're plenty of cronies sitting in The City right now who're on that list and are not political.
  8. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    Nah, it's still there humming away in the background and pops up every so often.

    Problem is that with Brexit in the UK and the POTUS election in the US, there's not much time on the airways for it.

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