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What do you need to write?

Discussion in 'Writer's Lounge' started by Anna, 5 Oct 2017.

  1. Anna

    Anna Member

    What do you need to get into the writing zone? I need loads of caffeine, a nice pen and any kind of notebook. I'm still into handwriting my things. I did just get a new "gamer" keyboard though that I love typing on because it's noisy and lights up in all different colors while I type. I also write best in the middle of the night. What about you guys?
  2. Jordan

    Jordan Active Member

    I've found I work best sitting up at a table as opposed to trying to lounge. It puts into a work frame of mind. I also like to have caffeine (not coffee though, yuck) and something sweet nearby. Music is also a must. It keeps it from getting too quiet which is when my mind tends to wander.
    Anna likes this.
  3. Anna

    Anna Member

    I should probably give sitting up at a table a try because I'm constantly trying on my couch and it doesn't always go the way I plan. Totally agree with you, I'm not big on coffee either; tea or Diet Mountain Dew for me, please. I can't deal with the quiet either but for some reason music has never really been a go-to for me. I usually just have a show I've seen a hundred times playing quietly in the background to dull the silence.
  4. natalie

    natalie Member

    I'm so weird. I need complete silence. Anything else distracts me. I wish that wasn't the case! I also use the "Write or Die" app to help me just keep writing and not stopping to change every little thing.
  5. Donna

    Donna Member

    I need quiet, coffee, a table and my computer. I find that writing with a pen is too slow. I think way ahead of what I am trying to write and sometimes forget things. Typing is much faster.
  6. natalie

    natalie Member

    Donna, I'm glad I'm not the only one who needs quiet. I usually try and use a combo of pen and computer. Like, for worldbuilding, I use pen and paper unless I'm really on a roll and then I'll switch over to the computer. Having both of them available to me at the same time though let's me feel like I have more freedom to have different trains of thought without muddling up one document...if that makes any sense at all.
  7. Donna

    Donna Member

    I do the same natalie. I have pen and paper at hand for jotting down notes and thoughts that pop in my head. Sometimes I even have to keep track of my own characters. Isn't that just crazy?

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