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The Forgotten Tudor Women

Discussion in 'Reviews' started by djbook, 12 Sep 2016.

  1. djbook

    djbook Member

    This book caught my attention while I was sifting through books on British history. Its a well written self-published book. I knew about the Tudors, but certainly not about their "forgotten" women. So, I bought this book on kindle and read through it in a single sitting. Since, I read it so fast, my impressions of the book may be completely different to someone who may read this book more enjoyably.

    The book isn't exactly a textbook. It tells anecdotes in a very interesting manner. It does talk about 3 Tudor women who're rarely mentioned, however, it stays true to the original gist of history. And in that way, it sort of defeats its own purpose. I mean if the role of these 3 characters changes nothing in history, then why discuss them at all. I mean if I were to write a book named "The Forgotten Peasants under King James", it wouldn't make for an interesting read. Neither does this book.

    However, it does provide some rich context that can help you brag about your knowledge of history. If nothing else.

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