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Would you use a ghostwriter for your novel?

Discussion in 'The Dive' started by clair02, 16 Sep 2016.

  1. clair02

    clair02 Member

    A lot of people argue about the ethics of using ghostwriters. What do you think? Is it right or wrong, and would you do it?
  2. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    I've heard of two types of experiences with ghostwriters.

    1. The person dictates the work to the ghostwriters and their job is to turn the bits and pieces into a wellwritten story but sticking strongly to the notes given to them.

    2. The person gives the ghostwriter an idea plucked off the top of their head and it's the ghostwriters job to come up with everything, fleshed-out plot, characters, the works.

    I've got no problems with #1, in fact if I ever had a few ideas to rub together and could get them out coherently, I'd probably do this. #2 is just someone sticking their name to someone else's work, normally for marketing and sale purposes and I think is dumb. Author's should always get a credit somewhere, but I guess there's plenty of money to be made in writing for someone else to slap a label on it.
  3. clair02

    clair02 Member

    That's a unique way of looking at it. I've only ever considered one type of ghostwriter, and I believe that it's alright to use someone else with more skill to write your book for you. I'm not sure I agree that authors should give credit, though. And i'm sure all ghostwriters feel the same, otherwise, wouldn't they rather just write their own book and get the credit for themselves?
  4. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    I'm sure all ghostwriters would much rather be bestsellers in their own right, with all the credit and the capital that goes with it. But that market is crowded and for someone with no name or kudos against it they have another million people all doing the same thing. But write something for a celeb, (or James Patterson) slap their name and a glossy on the cover and its a paycheck for using your skills while hoping to make that big breakout, not to mention getting paid to practice your craft.

    Of course, for any writer who hates all the publicity circus that goes on nowadays, it's a great way to get your work out without being noticed at all.
  5. djbook

    djbook Member

    I agree. The market is crowded. And talent gets overshadowed by marketing campaigns all the time. I am not even sure how anyone can keep an eye on the "best" writers in a sea of writers. So, if someone famous wants to tell their story, and they don't have the talent for writing, I feel its absolutely fine for them to use a ghost writer. As for me, I wouldn't hire one, since I am one. But, I can tell you, when times get tough, a solid guaranteed paycheck for ghost writing looks way better to me then the uncertainty of self-publishing my own work.
  6. jessica

    jessica Active Member

    Personally no, because if I ever wrote something I'd want my name on it, and I don't like the idea of taking credit for someone else's work.
  7. I don't think I'd consider a ghostwriter for my fiction. It might be interesting to do that if I ever got around to doing a memoir. I know nothing about writing memoir, so it might be good to turn that over to someone who did.
  8. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    You know it never occurred to me that writers would be more skilled in writing certain types of stories than others, instead of writers just writing about what they prefer.
  9. tirial

    tirial Member

    Use one, no, but I have been one. As long as you don't get too attached to your work it is a good way to make money, since the rest of the publishing costs are someone else's to bear.
  10. Reader

    Reader Vile Critic

    I prefer it when people don't use ghost writers. Writing style is one of the things I pay attention to and if they use ghost writers it is not possible to judge an author's actual style and other works by that one. There is also the problem of several different authors who have exactly the same voice. If they are from the same publishing house, this may be editorial influence, but otherwise it looks somewhat off.
  11. Kindler

    Kindler Active Member

    I always wonder if this is sometimes used as a marketing ploy to make some celebs look more intelligent than they actually are.
  12. Context

    Context New Member

    If I had s nickel for every time I heard someone say they are going to write the next Great American Novel, (or Greek for that matter) I would be independently wealthy. So many people think they are going to write a book, then end up realizing that writing a novel is actually hard work. And if you don't have the natural, God given talent for this yet have enough ideas to fill a government server.......you're going to hire a ghostwriter.

    I don't find anything ethically wrong with it because, truth be told, I don't do much research on authors I've never heard of. So chances are very good that if I read a book "authored" by Quill X Penn that was actually written by John Q. Public I wouldn't know the difference.

    Just make sure it's a good read. Don't waste my time writing garbage.
  13. Meryl

    Meryl Member

    Not everyone has the bandwidth to write a full novel but a lot of us have unwritten stories rattling around in our heads. Sometimes it's best to find someone who knows how to take those ideas of ours and turn them into coherent text.
  14. Miranda

    Miranda Member

    I have nothing against ghostwriters. I have met a lot of people who think that it's unethical but as an author who really understands the process I totally disagree with them. I would definitely use the services of a ghostwriter if I had to.
  15. clair02

    clair02 Member

    Well, I can see that everyone has their own differing opinion on the matter. I love the diverse views concerning ghostwriting. Personally I have no problem with it even if the author puts their name on something that they did not create as long as they're paying for it.

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