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Bargain on 15th - 19th Jun 17
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This book will teach you proven techniques to take control of your anger management, in turn teaching you how to deal with stress effectively and lead a more enjoyable and fulfilling life.

You may not know it, but the anger stirring up in your mind may be making your life thoroughly miserable. It’s easy to point at others and blame them for your unhappiness. However, when you learn to control your anger, you suddenly understand that your anger has more to do with you than it does them. It’s your perception of what has been said that will dictate how you react to it. Thus, if anger is the chosen path, then it’s time to learn to control those impulses because they are making your life thoroughly stressful.

The levels of stress reported to doctors in this day and age is at an all-time high. People are experiencing stress and anxiety related illnesses with such a ferocity that doctors have been looking into ways that help those in need, other than traditional medications. While your anger may not put you into that level of anxiety, believe me, anger is one step toward it and its time to stem it now, so that you can move on and start to see life from another perspective.

This book is written by someone who has experienced anger big time, but who was taught to deal with it through unusual means. When you find all the answers to your problems inside, anger is abated and you can live your life in a much more productive manner, enjoying your life instead of allowing your life to stress you. Join with me in trying these techniques to help you to overcome anger and realise what a danger anger is to your peacefulness and tranquillity in life. Then, and only then, do you become bigger than your anger and that’s when life starts to become enjoyable.

Here is a preview of what you will learn in this book:

Knowing the Source of AngerLearning Relaxation Using the Two Nostril Breathing TechniqueLearning to Interact with OthersPositive Ways of Expelling EnergyFinding CalmAnd Much, Much More!

Take action today to deal with your anger for only £0.99!

Bargain on 15th - 19th Jun 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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