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Bargain on 18th - 22nd Jan 18
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How To Overcome Insomnia and Get Better Sleep Tonight!

You can improve your health and overcome your sleeping problems by following the helpful advice in this book
Learn how

Sleep works and how to get the best out of it

Learn about what function sleeps has in our bodies, such as improving our immune system, preparing our brain to learn new information and even weight control. A lack of sleep or even poor sleep quality can affect your decision making, your creativity, your judgement and other mental functionality. This can lead to low productivity during the day and even fatal road accidents. Understanding your sleep cycles and how your daily activities impact them are key.
Some people do not even know how much sleep they need to be ready for their next day. I want to show you how to find out how much sleep you need and when the best times are to sleep.

How stress relates to insomnia and how to bust stress-related sleep disturbances for once and for all.

Discover secret tricks to overcoming the effects of stress and to remove the effect of stress on your sleep quality. Understand why the brain sometimes seems to refuse to shut down, leaving us frustrated when we lie in bed waiting fruitlessly for sleep to come to us. I will also give you a variety of visualizations that you can use to prepare your mind for a good night’s rest. So many of us suffer from insomnia unnecessarily just because we have stressful days and are not able to let this stress go to sleep peacefully at night. Let’s start a sleep revolution and bust the effect of stress.

Small changes lead to big results

You can start right now to adjust each habit that effects your sleep quality: I will show you what these habits are and exactly how to manage them. For example, eating certain foods and even the timing of your eating schedule can help you to get the most out of your sleep. I have also included a guide to identifying possible medical conditions, such as sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome, which could be effecting your sleep quality.

How to adjust your sleeping environment

Learn how to change your bedroom for better sleep. Your insomnia could be due to the way your bedroom is set up at night: I will show you how to change that for better sleep right now by choosing the correct bed, the correct lighting and more. You can also change your bedtime routine to maximize your preparation for sleep.

About The Author
Kathleen Walsh is a freelance writer living in Johannesburg, South Africa. She enjoys writing self-development orientated books and has written about the ketogenic diet, passive income earning and Christianity. You can find out more about her at writebulb.co.za.

This book is specifically written for women who want to get the most out of their health and be their best self. Investing in your health is the most important investment you can make, and I believe you are worth it! I want to share with you over 40 secrets of 40 winks and get you back to sleeping right. After all, we spend a third of our lives sleeping, so why not get the best out of it?

To sleep better tonight, scroll up and buy now.

Bargain on 18th - 22nd Jan 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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