Long Term Bargain eBooks
Author: Genre: () Length: Novella

Bargain on 24th - 28th Sep 17
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I wanted to put a lot of effort in this book to producing accurate statistics, as the statistics tell a story. The general trend dated back over a 50 year period, tells us that the financial system has become overly dependent upon a debt based society. The difficulties faced in rebuilding financial growth and stability, since the 2008 financial meltdown, stem I believe to the fact that the apparent economic growth of the 90’s and early 00’s, was largely based upon a financial debt bubble and that we need to move away from debt as a society, if we are to live a long and financially stable lifestyle.

Have you ever seen a poor Casino owner?

Probably not!

Have you ever seen a poor banker?

Probably not!

The thing is that the house always wins. The financial institutes have rigged the system so they win while we work hard to pay off our debts!

In this book you will learn about:

1). What is wrong with the financial system and why it is ruining your life!
2). How to escape from the burden of credit card debt and debt in general
3). How to sustain your financial freedom over the course of your life!

I hope if you read this book, that it will deter you from taking up debt in the first place and that you might even think about ways of bringing about debt reduction and a general life change, towers a safer and more long -term sustainable way of structuring your financial wellbeing!

Bargain on 24th - 28th Sep 17
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