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Bargain on 1st - 5th Jun 14
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The book is based on fitness and health while suggesting you better lifestyle tips. While browsing through the book, you will discover a “new you” by making smart eating and living choices. Reading this book can help you inculcate healthy eating habits thereby explaining the unknown concept of “emotional eating.”

Summary of Emotional Eating

The book is written in a very concise and systematic manner by the author so that the readers can grasp it easily. Each chapter throws light on some aspect of fitness while suggesting remedies to overcome binge eating. The highlighting feature of the book is the introduction of the unknown concept of “emotional eating” that forces one to eat more out of emotional stress rather than biological need.

biological need. The book not only introduces explains the concept but also suggest remedies how to overcome such tendencies to control weight.

All the remedies have been discussed in a very descriptive but crispy manner so that the readers could gain much knowledge through easy comprehension. A separate chapter is solely dedicated to “Talk therapy” which is a very innovative technique suggested by the author to help the readers reduce levels of stress that leads to over-eating.

In short we can say that the author has given special attention to ensure that the book does not only give theoretical knowledge but also disperse practical benefits to the readers. As such undoubtedly it is a “must read” for all those who want to change the way they live. The author has dispelled a storehouse of fitness mantras through the book to encourage readers to love their body.

Bargain on 1st - 5th Jun 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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