Long Term Bargain eBooks
Author: Genre: (, ) Length: Short Story

Bargain on 11th Dec 16
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The rainbow had vanished, swept away behind a great sweeping of grey clouds. The air was still fresh and fragrant from the afternoon April shower, when for a time the sun had peeked through cotton candy clouds. Dorothea magically produced a tiny retractable umbrella, from her coat pocket, just as the first drop of rain fell. Albert always marvelled at her ability to be prepared for any event, she was his beautiful and intelligent petite little Dotty. The rain started gently, in spits and spats but the heavy laden clouds were being whipped up into a frenzy. As little Dotty opened the brolly a sudden gust of wind shot through, and flipped it inside out.

The couple began to laugh as they struggled together to right the umbrella, whilst standing in the middle of a sodden, damp country lane. The rain was now pouring; it fell heavily, quickly soaking them through to the bone. They didn’t hear the car approaching, what with the wind, whipping round them and both wrangling with the now useless item, still clenched between them.

Then it was too late.

Bargain on 11th Dec 16
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