How do you react when someone says, “It is impossible?” I like to recall my grandpa’s inspiring animal story about a snail who wanted to become a carpenter. “The Snail Carpenter” is a delightful children’s book designed to inspire young readers to pursue their dreams. It gently encourages them to take that crucial first step […]
Reviewed by The Snail Carpenter
Fate brought them together. Free will binds them. After months at sea, Leif Ivarrson wants nothing more than to revel in the comforts of home. Yet when word arrives that a new threat has invaded their land, Leif is forced to take up his sword once more. Tasked with rescuing a jarl’s niece, Sigrid, from […]
Reviewed by Leif (Viking Glory Book 1)
“I love historical legends woven into breathtaking new stories. The Goldenchild Prophecy is just one of those, yet an epic story all on its own. Tanya breathes life into this timeless tale of love and betrayal, blurring the lines of fantasy and history. –Jeff Wheeler, Wall Street Journal bestselling author Before there was a Winter […]
Reviewed by The Cornish Princess (The Goldenchild Prophecy Book 1)
An American Kindertransport story that begins in a hospital in Spain.Joe Silverman is a talented fundraiser who can persuade anyone to do anything. In his professional life he’s a shining star working for an American charity, raising money for children affected by war. In his personal life things are very different. His marriage is on […]
Reviewed by The Fundraiser: a powerful story of love and humanity in the face of war
Part-memoir, part-fiction, James & Elle is a delicate mosaic of vignettes reflecting a deeply personal perspective and the complications of having–and supporting–a loved one with PTSD. Two siblings are unravelling their past and uncovering hidden memories. But what happens if the past hides a demon in the cupboard? Follow James and Elle as they remember […]
Reviewed by James & Elle: Part Memoir, Part Fiction
(Sports humor) Two gophers feel the joy–and trials–of golfing (thanks to other critters). Children can find and name animals as they describe the action on the golf green. “Hilarious…. Make up a fun story to tell…with the very cute illustrations…. Young children will really love this book.” – Sonja Nishimoto for Sunnie Reviews. Kids cement […]
Reviewed by Gopher Golf: A Wordless Picture Book (Stories Without Words 3)
Reviewed by Career Planning for Teens. Smart Questions, Bright Future.: Your Path, Your Future: Essential Questions to Guide Teens to Their Dream Careers!
Reviewed by Ghost Mortem: A Ghost Cozy Mystery Series (Haunted Everly After Book 1)
Reviewed by Modifying Relativity Theory
Reviewed by Global Citizens' Manifesto. President rule for Singapore in 2024: Call to Action: Docking Singapore for Democracy Compliance Check
Reviewed by Copycat Cookbook: Making Denny's Most Popular Recipes At Home (Famous Restaurant Copycat Cookbooks)
Reviewed by The Boy in the Clouds
Reviewed by Bedtime Stories for Кids: Five minute stories for boys and girls 4-8 years old (Bedtime Stories for kids Book 1)
Reviewed by Embrace Release : Mastering the art of letting go and embracing emotional freedom
Reviewed by Love’s Plan: Amish Romance (Amish Spring Book 6)
Reviewed by Dark Psychology and Manipulation: Learn how to analyze people and defend yourself against psychological manipulation (Mind Books for Beginners Book 6)