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Bargain on 28th - 29th Jun 16
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Discover the Extraordinary Legends & Myths of Ancient Greece

The Greeks were one of the first civilizations to conceive gods and goddesses that were similar to human beings: attractive men and women, old folks with dignity and humor, and young innocent children. Naturally, the gods interacted and communicated with humans on a regular basis. The gods were not typically withdrawn and reserved figures; they actively participated in the affairs of mortals, and exercised their greater power to those they favored. In addition, they were neither omnipotent nor omniscient; they possessed individual, humanlike qualities that portrayed them as fallible, imperfect deities rather than absolute and supreme beings.

Gods, Goddesses, Heroes & Monsters is be a synopsis of the major tenets of Greek mythology, including the profiles of particular gods, goddesses, heroes, and monsters. Though Greek mythology is vast and complicated in scope, these main points will serve to familiarize the reader and inspire him or her to further study. It is important to understand how the depiction of mythology can reveal to us certain ideas about the ancient Greeks.

Discover the Fascinating World of Ancient Greece, Including:

ZeusAchillesPoseidonHadesThe God of DarknessHeraMinotaurOdysseusAphrodite

Trojan WarHeraclesTitansand more!

Greek mythology has influenced culture, language, the arts and literature. It is not something that has been reduced to the past; it is a regular part of the curriculum at schools and offered in classical studies at various universities.

Explore this extraordinary topic further, expand your knowledge and CLICK BUY.

Bargain on 28th - 29th Jun 16
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