
Bargain on 22nd Apr 17
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In this E-Book, Dr. Jennifer M. Kalani (Grad. ’92 John Burns School of Medicine) takes you through the wonderful effects, coconut oil can have on your body if used in your daily life.

After having received a ton of great feedback from her Hawaiian patients as well as her own mother, Dr. Kalani wrote this book to tell the rest of the world about the health benefits of the coconut oil such as:

-How the type and length of fatty acids (MCT) in Coconut Oil result in losing weight twice as fast as using olive oil in the kitchen

-How Coconut Oil increases satiety and stops your craving for carbs resulting in a decrease in fat accumulation

-How the lauric acid in Coconut Oil blends perfectly with hair’s natural protein, in contrast to industrial shampoo. Coconut Oil strengthens the hair and thus prevents it from breaking up

-How the vitamins B1, B3, B5, B6, C, E and minerals in Coconut Oil such as iron, sodium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorous result in healthier finger nails and stronger teeth

Jennifer wrote this book to show that nature can be the key to a better health and longer life and that we shouldn’t overlook the valuable resources this Earth has given us, in this case: Coconut Oil.

Bargain on 22nd Apr 17
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